Out of Specification Investigation in Pharmaceuticals : Pharmaguideline

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Out of Specification Investigation in Pharmaceuticals

An out of specification investigation is a process that pharma companies use when a drug does not meet the specifications set by the manufacturer.
A recent FDA report shows that out of specification product investigations in the pharmaceutical industry are rising. The FDA cited a deterioration in quality control as a leading cause of these problems.
As the pharmaceutical industry is a very mature and old industry then it becomes important for quality control to ensure consistent product quality. Out of specification products can have significant consequences for patients, including decreased efficacy and safety risks. Therefore, it is essential to investigate the cause and appropriate action must be taken.

What is an Out of Specification Investigation?
An out of specification investigation is a process that pharmaceutical companies use when a drug does not meet the specifications set by the manufacturer. This can be because the drug was made incorrectly or there was an error in the labeling.

Out of specification investigations can be costly for the company and can result in lost sales and lawsuits.

An out of specification investigation usually begins with a complaint from a customer or patient. If the company cannot find any reason why the drug is off specification, they may launch an investigation to find out what happened.

In the investigation, the investigator will retest the drug product and check the results if it meets the specification, and tries to find out the cause of the problem. Sometimes, it is possible to determine why the drug is out of specification and fix the problem. Other times, it is necessary to stop the production of the drug and get new batches made.

Out of specification investigations can be costly for companies, especially if they have to restart the production of a lot of drugs. They can also lead to lost sales and lawsuits.
Related: Possible Causes of Out of Specification

How to Investigate an Out of Specification Product
When an out of specification product is found in any organization then it is required to investigate and determine the actual cause. The following steps should be followed during your investigation:

1. Inspect the product for any signs of tampering.

2. Check the ingredients and purity of the product.

3. Analyze the performance of the product using appropriate testing methods. Be sure to verify results against known standards.

4. Determine why the product is out of specification. Some common causes include incorrect manufacturing processes, ingredient substitutions, and contamination.

5. Find the root cause of the problem and solve it.

6. Document your findings so that others can learn from them and so that others don’t make the same mistake in the future.
Related: OOS Investigation Flowchart

Consequences of an Out of Specification Product
The most common consequences of an out-of-specification:

1. Consumers may be exposed to unsafe products if the product is out of specification. It means that the product is dangerous for consumers and causes potentially harmful side effects.

2. The pharmaceutical industry may face significant financial losses. If an out of specification product goes to market and is determined by regulatory authorities then the company could face legal penalties or financial loss. It could also harm the company's reputation which could also cause a financial loss in long term.

3. Compliance with regulations and standards may be compromised. If companies cannot provide a product that meets safety standards, it could potentially compromise ongoing compliance efforts for regulators and risk exposure of other products that are out of specification.

4. It can lower brand equity because of potential liability related to unsafe products. Consumers who buy out-of-specification products or those who do not follow instructions properly may be exposed to harmful adverse effects.

5. It can adversely affect the business by hurting customer service and causing product failure, which results in expensive repair, replacement and disposal costs.

6. It can also build a negative image of the company's health and safety concerns and consumers can avoid purchasing the products in the future.

Benefits of Out of Specification Investigations
There are many benefits to conducting an out of specification investigation in pharmaceuticals. Out of specification investigations can help identify product defects and errors in manufacturing, which can lead to improved efficiencies and quality control. Additionally, out of specification investigations can also help identify potential new markets for a product.

When an out of specification investigation is conducted properly, it can provide available information that can help to improve the quality of the product. By investigating products that are outside of their specified ranges, manufacturers can avoid causing customer dissatisfaction or harm to the environment.

There are a number of factors to consider when conducting an out of specification investigation. First, it is important to find the out of specification products. Second, it is important to match the results with the specification. Third, it is necessary to determine if any corrective action needs to be taken. Fourth, it is necessary to track results and make adjustments as needed. Finally, it is important to learn from the investigation so that error-free work can be done in the manufacturing facility and the same would not happen in the future.

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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of pharmaguideline.com, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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