How does Granule Size Influence the Stability and Bioavailability of Tablets : Pharmaguideline

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How does Granule Size Influence the Stability and Bioavailability of Tablets

The physical and chemical properties of drug substances have a great influence on the process and quality of the finished product.
The physical and chemical properties of drug substances have a great influence on the process and quality of the finished product. One of the most important aspects is particle size. Particle size distribution (PSD) is a term that refers to the range of sizes that particles present in a powder. The average particle size (APS) is a measure that indicates what-sized particles make up the majority of a powder.

The different granule sizes of tablets

There are a few factors that affect the stability and bioavailability of tablets, but one important factor is the granule size. The granule size can influence the way that the tablet breaks down in the body and how easily it is absorbed. If the granule size is too large, the tablet may not break down properly and may not be absorbed well. On the other hand, if the granule size is too small, the tablet may break down too quickly and not provide the desired effect.

The effect of granule size on tablet stability

When it comes to tablet stability, granule size can have a big influence. In general, smaller granules are more stable than larger ones. This is because smaller granules have more surface area in contact with the surrounding environment. This means that they are less likely to absorb moisture and become unstable. Larger granules, on the other hand, have less surface area in contact with the surrounding environment. This makes them more likely to absorb moisture and become unstable.

The size of the granules can also affect the bioavailability of the tablets. In general, smaller granules are more bioavailable than larger ones. This is because they are more easily dissolved in the stomach and absorbed by the body. Larger granules, on the other hand, are less bioavailable because they are more slowly dissolved in the stomach and absorbed by the body.

The effect of granule size on tablet bioavailability

The granule size of a tablet can have a significant impact on its bioavailability or the amount of the active ingredient that is absorbed into the bloodstream. Smaller granules are generally more stable and have better bioavailability than larger granules.

granules size
Bioavailability is the percentage of a drug that is absorbed and reaches systemic circulation. The smaller the granule size of a tablet, the higher its bioavailability. This is because small granules are more easily broken down by the digestive system and can travel through the body more quickly. In addition, the surface area of a small granule is larger than that of a large granule, which allows for greater absorption of active ingredients.

The following are three examples of drugs with different granule sizes and their corresponding bioavailabilities:

1. Vicodin (hydrocodone): This medication comes in two formats: tablets containing 5 mg or 10 mg of hydrocodone, and capsules containing 30 mg or 60 mg of hydrocodone. The tablets are more bioavailable than the capsules, due to their smaller granule size. The tablets are also more bioavailable than regular oxycodone pills, due to their lower dose size.

2. Claritin (loratadine): This medication comes in two formats: capsules containing 10 mg or 20 mg of loratadine, and tablets containing 5 mg or 10 mg of loratadine. The tablets are more bioavailable than the capsules, due to their smaller granule size. The tablets are also more bioavailable than regular loratadine pills, due to their lower dose size.

3. Levitra (vardenafil): This medication comes in two formats: tablets containing 10 mg or 20 mg of vardenafil, and capsules containing 100 mg or 200 mg of vardenafil. The tablets are more bioavailable than the capsules, due to their smaller granule size. The tablets are also more bioavailable than regular vardenafil pills, due to their lower dose size.

Factors affecting granule size

When it comes to tablet manufacturing, the granule size is one of the most important factors that need to be considered. This is because the size of the granules can influence both the stability and bioavailability of tablets. Let's take a closer look at how granule size affects these two important aspects of tablet quality.

Granule size can influence the stability of tablets in a few different ways. First, smaller granules are more likely to undergo physical degradation during storage than larger granules. This degradation can eventually lead to loss of potency or even complete disintegration of the tablet. Second, smaller granules are also more likely to absorb moisture from the environment, which can again lead to physical degradation or disintegration. Finally, smaller granules have a larger surface area-to-volume ratio, which means that they are more susceptible to chemical reactions with their surroundings (such as oxidation). All of these factors can lead to decreased stability of tablets made with smaller granules.

When it comes to bioavailability, granule size can again have a significant impact. In general, smaller particles have a greater surface area-to-volume ratio and are therefore more easily dissolved in the body. This means that tablets made with smaller granules will be more effective at delivering their active ingredients to the target area. However, smaller granules also have a higher chance of becoming detached from the tablet core and entering the bloodstream. This can lead to decreased effectiveness and even potential side effects.

Overall, it is important to consider both the stability and bioavailability of tablets when selecting granule sizes. Smaller granules tend to be more stable, but may not be as bioavailable. Larger granules are more bioavailable, but may not be as stable. It is important to choose a granule size that balances these two factors in order to achieve the desired results.

Effect of granule size on tablet properties

The physicochemical properties of a tablet formulation, such as its stability and bioavailability, can be influenced by the size of its granules. Smaller granules tend to be more stable and have greater bioavailability than larger granules. This is because smaller granules have a larger surface area-to-volume ratio, which allows for more efficient drug release and absorption.

In conclusion, granule size can have a significant impact on the stability and bioavailability of tablets. Large granules can lead to tablet disintegration, while small granules may not be able to penetrate the intestinal wall and reach the bloodstream. As a result, large granules may lead to increased side effects and reduced efficacy, while small granules may limit the dose that can be taken per day. In order to improve tablet stability and bioavailability, it is important to understand both the effect of granule size on tablet stability and how tablet formulation affects bioavailability.

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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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