Event Tree Analysis (ETA) in Pharmaceuticals : Pharmaguideline

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Event Tree Analysis (ETA) in Pharmaceuticals

Event tree analysis is a powerful tool that can be used to assess the potential risks and consequences of events in the pharmaceutical industry.
Event tree analysis (ETA) is a risk assessment technique that is used to sequence of events in a variety of industries. In pharmaceutical industry ETA is widely used to determine the root cause of any event. In this article, we will understand the uses of event tree analysis in pharmaceutical industry.

What is Event Tree Analysis?

Event tree analysis (ETA) is used to identify the consequences of any event to find its possible harmful effect on the product quality. It is used to manage the risks and safety analysis in pharmaceutical industry. ETA can be used to evaluate the risks and consequences of any type of event whether it is an accidental event or any natural disaster.

Event tree analysis is conducted by drawing a diagram showing the possible events those could occur and all possible outcome of each event. After creating the diagram each possible outcome is analyzed and possibility of its occurrence is calculated.


How is Event Tree Analysis used in Pharmaceuticals?

Event Tree Analysis is used in different industries to evaluate the possible outcomes of any event. In pharmaceutical industry, it is used to make the decisions to respond to the event and to analyze the impact of the event on product quality.

Event tree analysis can help to identify the problems before they become serious and help to minimize the impact of the problem by taking the best possible action. ETA can also help to identify the activities those can lead to any particular outcome and it can also provide the information that how any event can impact the manufacturing process and system.

In pharmaceutical industry, it is used to find to identify the possible outcomes of any event and help to resolve the issue in its initial stage before it impacts the final product quality.
Related: 5 Why Tool for Root Cause Analysis in Pharmaceuticals

Event Tree Analysis Methodology

Event tree was first used in 1974 to find an alternative method to fault tree analysis for nuclear power plant safety. There is a close relationship between fault tree analysis and event tree analysis. Both are similar in many aspects but the difference is that event tree analysis can be used in every event if that is positive or negative while fault tree analysis tool is used to find the root cause of negative events. Event tree begins with the identification of all events those may occur during the manufacturing process. The next step is to identify the which events are most important to product or system failure. This analysis is done by creating a diagram that is called event tree that shows the sequences of events. The tree branches represent individual events that are related to the parent event. The goal of the tree is to find the points where the tree may fail. Once the tree is prepared, it is easier to determine the events those need to be monitored to prevent the failure.
Related: Fishbone Tool of Investigation in Pharmaceuticals

The Benefits of Event Tree Analysis in Pharmaceuticals

Event tree analysis is a powerful tool that is used to identify the potential risks in any system or process in pharmaceutical industry. A company can take necessary actions to mitigate the potential risks. Event Tree Analysis can be used to evaluate the impact of any process change, introduction of new product, or any regulatory change. It can also be used to identify critical control parameters and failure points in supply chain. Event tree analysis is an essential tool for any company that wants to improve its risk management program.

The Limitations of Event Tree Analysis in Pharmaceuticals

It is a very useful tool to identify potential risks in pharmaceutical but it also has some limitations when it is applied in pharmaceuticals.

One of the major limitations of this tool is that it doesn’t account for human factors. This is an important factor in pharmaceutical industry where a lot of errors are made by employees and workers. It can only address one initiating event at a time.

Another limitation of the ETA tool is that it can not identify the new and emerging risk. It is a significant problem in this rapidly changing world where pharmaceutical methods and are changing rapidly. It also requires an analyst who has practical training and experience and can’t be used without practical experience.

Finally, it is a time-consuming method of risk identification that may increase the company costs. Due to this, the use of ETA may be impractical for many companies on a regular basis for all events.

Event Tree Analysis is a powerful tool and used in different types of industries but in pharmaceutical industry, it is specially used to identify the potential risks of any event. It helps to identify the potential problems before they occur which helps to save money and lives. If you are a pharmaceutical professional and you are interested to learn Event Tree Analysis, this article will definitely help you but if you have any questions, you can add them in the comment section.

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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of pharmaguideline.com, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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