Tips for Hazardous Chemical Handling in Laboratory : Pharmaguideline

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Tips for Hazardous Chemical Handling in Laboratory

A lab is a place where scientists work with chemicals. Some of these chemicals can be dangerous if not handled correctly.
Handling hazardous chemicals can be dangerous and require proper training and precautions. In this article, we'll provide you with tips on how to safely handle these substances, so you can stay safe while working in a lab.

Types of Hazardous Chemicals

A lab is a place where work is done with chemicals. Some of these chemicals can be dangerous if not handled correctly. Here are some hazardous chemical categories.
hazardous chemicals in lab
  • Carcinogens: Chemicals that can cause cancer. Examples: arsenic, formaldehyde, benzene, carbon tetrachloride.
  • Toxins: Chemicals that can harm the body by causing cancer, birth defects, and other health problems. Examples: lead, mercury, arsenic.
  • Irritants: Chemicals that can cause irritation to the skin, lungs, and eyes. Examples: sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides.
  • Corrosives: Chemicals that can destroy materials. Examples: hydrochloric acid, Sulfuric acid, nitric acid etc.
  • Sensitizers: Chemicals that can cause tissue damage by making the body more susceptible to other toxins. Examples: fragrances, dyes.
  • Hepatotoxins: Chemicals that can damage the liver. Examples: arsenic, lead, mercury.
  • Nephrotoxins: Chemicals that can damage the kidneys. Examples: lead, mercury.
  • Neurotoxins: Chemicals that can harm the brain or nervous system. Examples: mercury, lead.

What is a Hazardous Chemical Management Plan?

There is no one answer to this question since every laboratory will have different hazardous chemical handling needs and constraints. However, a basic hazardous chemical management plan (HCP) should include the following elements:
  • Identification of all hazardous chemicals used in the laboratory.
  • Description of the lab’s hazardous waste facilities and processes.
  • Description of the safety procedures for handling and using these chemicals.
  • Inventory of all hazardous chemicals in the lab at regular intervals.
  • Procedures for cleaning and decontaminating laboratory equipment that comes into contact with any hazardous chemicals.
  • Procedures for safely disposing of any unused or expired hazardous chemicals.

How to Handle Hazardous Chemicals Safely

There are a few simple steps you can take to ensure that you and your team handle hazardous chemicals safely.

1. Establish safety guidelines for handling hazardous chemicals. Assemble a team of individuals who are knowledgeable about these guidelines, and make sure everyone understands them. This will help to ensure that all members of your team are following the same safety procedures.

2. Familiarize yourself with the specific hazards posed by each chemical you use in your lab. This information can be found in product labeling or online resources. Know the signs and symptoms of exposure to each type of chemical, and how to respond if someone is exposed.

3. Follow the safety precautions that are outlined in product labeling or other safety information sources for each type of hazardous chemical you use. These precautions may include wearing personal protective equipment (PPE), using fire-extinguishing equipment, and restricting access to areas where hazardous chemicals are being used.

4. Keep proper records of your hazardous chemical use and exposures. This will help you track down any patterns or accidents, and make necessary adjustments to your safety procedures accordingly.

What are the Hazards of Hazardous Chemicals?

Poisoning: The most common hazard associated with hazardous chemical handling is poisoning. Most chemicals are toxic if ingested or inhaled, and can cause serious injury or death. Follow the safety instructions on the containers and labels carefully, and wear appropriate PPE when working with the chemical.

Nausea and vomiting: Many chemicals can cause nausea and vomiting, which can be very dangerous if not treated promptly. Be sure to wear appropriate PPE when handling the chemical.

Skin irritation: Many chemicals can cause skin irritation. Be sure to wear appropriate PPE when working with the chemical, and avoid contact with the skin.

Eye irritation: Many chemicals can cause eye irritation. Be sure to wear appropriate PPE when working with the chemical, and avoid contact with the eyes.

Headache: Many chemicals can cause headaches. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids, and take appropriate precautions to prevent dehydration.

Chemical burns: Many chemicals can cause chemical burns. Be sure to wear appropriate PPE when handling the chemical, and avoid contact with the skin.

Fire: Many hazardous chemicals are combustible, which means they can ignite and create a fire. Follow the safety instructions on the containers and labels carefully, and be aware of potential areas where the chemical could be ignited.

Prevention tips for hazardous chemical handling

When it comes to hazardous chemicals, it is important to take precautions to ensure safe handling. Here are a few tips to help you stay safe when working with these chemicals:

1. Read the safety data sheet (SDS) for each chemical you are using. This information will tell you about the hazards of the chemical, how to handle it safely, and what precautions to take.

2. Always wear protective gear, including gloves, eye protection, and a face shield when handling hazardous chemicals.

3. Keep the work area clean and organized so that you can easily find what you are looking for when working with hazardous chemicals.

4. Keep hazardous chemicals in appropriate containers or tanks that have been properly labeled and identified. Do not store them in open containers where they could be exposed to sunlight or other elements.


In today’s world, it is becoming increasingly important to be aware of the dangers posed by hazardous chemicals. If you work in a laboratory that handles these substances, it is essential that you know how to handle them safely. This article provides tips on how to do just that. By following the advice in this article, you can minimize the risk of exposure to harmful chemicals and ensure that your workplace is as safe as possible.

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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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