Introduction, Objective of Bioinformatics, Bioinformatics Databases : Pharmaguideline

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Introduction, Objective of Bioinformatics, Bioinformatics Databases

Biological data is stored, analyzed, and disseminated via bioinformatics, a interdisciplinary field consisting of both biology and computer science.


Biological data is stored, analyzed, and disseminated via bioinformatics, a interdisciplinary field consisting of both biology and computer science. An application of bioinformatics is to determine the function of genes and proteins, to establish evolutionary relationships, and to calculate the three-dimensional shape of proteins by using computer programs.

Applied to the analysis of sequences of biological molecules, bioinformatics is a field of computational science. This concept usually refers to genes, DNA, RNA, or proteins, and is particularly useful for comparing gene sequences in proteins and in other sequences within an organism, as well as comparing evolutionary relationships between organisms. It can also be used to look for patterns in DNA and protein sequences that explain the function of each. The bioinformatics field can be considered to be the linguistics part of genetics. Basically, the linguistics people study language patterns, and the bioinformatics people look at DNA sequences or protein sequences for patterns.

Objectives of Bioinformatics

In an effort to manage and harness the next generation sequencing data, we plan to develop appropriate bioinformatics tools and to make them available to all partners in the project, and then to a broader community. We must explore the most advanced technologies available.
  • The analysis of complex sequences includes assemblers, multi-alignment searches, and SNP detection; there is also phylogenetic analysis.
  • A set of data models and databases will enable the interoperability of systems by storing heterogeneous data.
  • An extensive Web interface for launching analyses, analyzing results, visualizing, querying, and editing them.


The development environment will enable organizations to develop bioinformatics in a collaborative manner and avoid duplication,

Offering bioinformatics training and bioinformatics project support.

In collaboration with other national and international platforms in bioinformatics (sharing software, workshops, mailing lists, and good practices)

Through a scientific user committee, CECILL licenses, documentation, data traceability, reliability, and indicator measurement it is possible to ensure quality control in bioinformatics research.

An InfiniBand network with a low latency and 65TB storage capacity is used by the project, in combination with a cluster of 240 processors. In terms of algorithm development for NGS analysis and data storage, the amount and nature of sequencing data have presented many bioinformatics issues.

Bioinformatics Databases

A biological database consists of many records with the same information, each stored in an organized manner, and typically associated with computerized software for updating, querying, and retrieving the information stored in it. A simple database might consist of just a single file containing many records.
  • These are databases that consist of biological data in an organized format, such as protein sequences, molecular structures, and DNA sequences.
  • There are several computer tools available for manipulating biological data like updating, deleting, inserting, etc. Biological databases are used by scientists and researchers throughout the world to store their data and results.
  • There are countless biological databases online that are free to access, and they contain a wide range of useful data.


  • In this way, researchers can study data and form new theories, anti-viruses, helpful bacteria, and medicines.
  • Biological phenomena are better understood by studying available data.
  • By doing so, redundant information is removed.
  • Information is stored in the database.
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