Structure and Uses of Dichloromethane, Tetrachloromethane and Iodoform : Pharmaguideline

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Structure and Uses of Dichloromethane, Tetrachloromethane and Iodoform

Dichloromethane is a chemical compound that is also known as Methylene dichloride or Methyl chloride. Besides oceans, macro algae, volcanoes.



Dichloromethane is a chemical compound that is also known as Methylene dichloride or Methyl chloride. Besides oceans, macro algae, volcanoes, and wetlands, it is also found in oceans and wetlands. Methylene dichloride is mostly released into the environment from industrial sources. Dichloromethane is chemically represented by CH2Cl2. The sweet, penetrating smell of ethylene chloride gives it a colourless, ether-like appearance. Hydrocarbons chlorinated by chlorination are volatile liquids. Despite being non-combustible, it can emit toxic chloride fumes if subjected to high temperatures. The fumes are narcotic at high concentrations. Solvents and paint removers are both commonly used in its manufacture.


  • Food technology uses dichloromethane as a solvent.
  • In aerosol formulations, it is used as a solvent.
  • Dichloromethane is also used to blow foam.
  • Pharmaceutical products are manufactured using it as a solvent.
  • Pharmaceutical products are manufactured using it as a solvent.
  • A degreasing agent, CH2Cl2, is employed.
  • Electronics are manufactured with it.



Tetrahedral molecular geometries of carbon tetrachloride molecules contain four chlorine atoms linked together by the carbon atom in the center. Here is a diagram of the CCl4 molecule.

The four chlorine atoms in the CCl4 molecule are arranged symmetrically around the central carbon atom. The carbon atom bonds with the chlorine atom in a covalent manner. This compound exhibits nonpolar properties due to its molecular geometry. CH4 (methane gas) and CCl4 (cadmium chloride) have similar molecular structures.


Carbon tetrachloride was routinely used to produce chlorofluorocarbons for refrigeration until the 1980s. Fire extinguishers and cleaning agents were also made with it. A number of countries have phased out the use of this compound because of the severe health hazards related to these chemicals and the severe environment damage they cause (see: ozone layer destruction). These are some of the niche uses of this compound, which are listed below.
  • In a named reaction referred to as the Appel reaction, carbon tetrachloride is used as a chlorine source.
  • Watermarks can also be revealed using this method without affecting the stamp in any way.
  • Lava lamps were also made from carbon tetrachloride.
  • Proton NMR spectroscopy has traditionally used CCl4.



Chemistry refers to the arrangement of atoms in a compound and the chemical bonds that hold those atoms together. Iodoform's chemical structure can be determined by analyzing its chemical composition.

The iodoform molecule has a C3V structure with a tetrahedral molecular geometry. The molecular geometry of the molecule includes a central atom with four substituents positioned at its corners. There are four bonds in the iodoform molecule. The molecule contains three non-H bonds. Molecular notation for organic molecules is known as the skeletal formula, which represents the 2D chemical structure of iodoform. As seen from the chemical structure, the carbon atoms in the iodoform are located at the corners, and hydrogen atoms are not attached to any of the carbon atoms. Every carbon atom is connected to four hydrogen atoms, so there are four bonds between carbon atoms.

A ball and stick model are used to display both the three-dimensional portions of atoms and their interactions in the chemical structure of iodoform. To facilitate a clear view of atoms and bonds within the structure model of iodoform, the spheres' radius is smaller than the rod lengths.


  • Iodoform can be used in many ways, and we have compiled a list of them.
  • Iodoform is a disinfectant used on a small scale. The use of iodoform for treating wounds and dressing sores was widespread in the 20th century.
  • Iodoform was used to sterilize surgical instruments.
  • The ingredient is used to produce cat and dog powder, as well as zinc sulfate and propanoic acid for infection prevention.
  • Iodoform can also help cats and dogs remove their ear hair.
  • Natural iodoform is present in angel's bonnet mushrooms, which emit its characteristic odour.
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