Functions of kidneys and urinary tract
The body transforms food into energy when it needs it. The bowels and blood then become filled with waste products. Urinary systems are responsible for maintaining the body's balance by eliminating waste, excess salt, excess water, and other things it no longer needs. In the body, urea is produced by the breakdown of protein found in meat.Kidneys
Each side of the spine has two excretory organs about the size of a hand, and they're shaped like beans. With the kidneys, approximately 0.5 a cup of blood is filtered each minute, and wastes and water are expelled to produce urine. Excreta flows from your kidneys to your bladder via two skinny muscles called ureters, one of which lies on either side of the bladder. The most common use for it is storing excreta. The urinary tract is composed of your kidneys, ureters, and bladder. These organs store urine. Your urinary system is made up of your kidneys, ureters, and bladder. On the middle of the back are two kidneys that are purplish-brown and located below the rib cage. The kidneys are responsible for:- eliminate waste products from the blood by urinating
- the kidneys are responsible for ensuring that all the blood substances are stable
- Creates erythropoietin, a hormone that is involved in the production of a red blood cell.
- complete activation of vitamin D
- Blood pressure should be properly regulated
For your body to function properly, your kidneys need to remove both toxins and excess water. The kidneys are indispensable not only for removing acid from the body, but also for keeping the chemical components of your blood in balance, such as sodium, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. Without this equilibrium, your body's nerves, muscles, and other tissues may not work correctly. Your kidneys, in addition to hormones, generate
- The blood pressure is under control
- Red blood cell production is facilitated by this enzyme
- Healthy and strong bones
Blood is filtered by the glomerulus
A cluster of tiny vessels called the glomerulus is present at the entrance of each nephron. Small molecules, waste products, and fluids-mostly water-can pass through the glomerulus. Red blood cells and protein molecules are large molecules found in the blood vessel.During the circulation process, the tubules return needed substances to the blood while eliminating waste.
The tubule is surrounded by blood vessels. In the process of filtering your blood, the filtered fluid moves through the vessels, reabsorbing almost all of the water you need to stay healthy. In addition, the tubules help remove excess acids from your body. Waste products and remaining fluids are excreted in the urine.
Two ureters
Each kidney is connected to its bladder by a tube called the ureter. Urine is forced down the ureter away from the kidneys by the contraction and relaxation of the ureter walls. A kidney infection can occur if urine keeps backing up or standing still. The ureters empty urine into the bladder about every 10 to 15 seconds.Bladder
Within the lower abdomen, the bladder consists of a hollow triangle-shaped organ. As the bladder rests in the pelvis, ligaments encircle it. To store urine in the bladder, the bladder walls relax and expand. They flatten and compress so that urine can be emitted from the urethra.Two sphincter muscles
An opening in the bladder that is tightly closed by circle-shaped muscles to prevent leakage of urine.Nerves in the bladder
Urine and bladder emptying are signaled by nerves in the body.Urethra
Outside the body, this tube permits urine to pass. This causes the brain to stiffen, causing the bladder muscles to contract. In simultaneously, the brain instructs the muscles surrounding the urethra to relax, allowing urine to escape the bladder through it. Normal urination takes place when all the signals are received correctly.
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