Introduction, Visual perception, Language, Other factors affecting our perspective - Past Experiences, Prejudices, Feelings, Environment : Pharmaguideline

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Introduction, Visual perception, Language, Other factors affecting our perspective - Past Experiences, Prejudices, Feelings, Environment

Seeing and interpreting (analyzing and interpreting) visual information is what is meant by visual perception.

Visual perception

Seeing and interpreting (analyzing and interpreting) visual information is what is meant by visual perception. Perception refers to the act of taking in one's surrounding environment. The perception which is incomplete or incorrect may result in difficulties with reading, spelling, handwriting, mathematics, and comprehension. Perceptual skills encompass organizing and interpreting the information we see in order to give it meaning. Most people would agree that visual perceptual skills are crucial for academic success, since reading is impossible without adequate visual perception. Processing visual information contributes to learning. A student who lacks accurate visual perception will have difficulty reading, following directions, copying from the whiteboard, visualizing objects, having good eye-hand coordination, and understanding where sounds are coming from when they hear them (like cars flashing their lights).

There are several key components of visual perception:
Visual discrimination: Detail awareness—the ability to distinguish shapes, sizes, colours, or other features of objects.
Form constancy (form discrimination): An ability to recognize objects in different orientations or formats and distinguish them according to their positional aspect.
Figure ground (foreground-background differentiation): Focusing on a selected target while eliminating or ignoring irrelevant information.
Spatial relations: Recognizing where objects are located in space.
Visual closure: The object, letter, or number must be recognizable even without seeing the whole thing.
Visual sequencing: Ordered perception of objects.
Visual memory: Memorization involves understanding a form (letter) and a sequence of states (words) and returning to them when seen again.

Forms of visual communication

Visual communication comes in a variety of forms. If you want to choose the right form of visual communication, you need to consider your audience's background, the purpose of your communication, the manner in which you collect your statistics, and so on. Here are a few examples of popular visual communication presentation types.

Visual communication form

Public sign
In mathematics and music, for instance, a sign is a mark or shape with a specific meaning. In our daily lives, we see a variety of important public signs. Their advantages lie in their ability to communicate across cultures without being limited by language barriers. Here are some examples to illustrate this.

Visual symbols – A pigeon, a heart and a piece of gold, for example, symbolize peace, love and wealth, respectively.

Visual communication – chart and graph - Analysing data can be made much easier with forms such as these. Bar charts can be presented in many different ways, such as columns, pie charts, or doughnut charts. Combining these types can help you analyze data more efficiently. Here is an example.

Visual communication – table - See the example below. It is the primary way that numbers can be structured and communicated.

Visual communication –
map - Places can be vividly represented on a map. The convenience and portability of paper maps are excellent. Maps such as Google Map, a reliable mapping service, provide useful information about locations.


We can experience different perspectives through language as well. Could you have interpreted an email's 'tone' based on your feeling of how it was written, and then responded accordingly? There are several ways to interpret the same words, resulting in very different meanings.

Other factors affecting our perspective

Past experiences

As an example, let's imagine that you are going to have a meeting to discuss changing workplace policies. How will you bring your perspective to the discussion? Maybe examples of policies from other companies. It may be possible for you to provide examples from your own time at the company that illustrate why certain changes are necessary. If you are not bringing anything to the table, you might show up with just a pad of paper and a pen so you can take notes. How does this influence your decision? Past experiences. Bringing outside knowledge to the table would help you make better decisions, since you are aware of the advantages of comparing situations. Because you know from past experience that examples can be a powerful way to make your case, you use examples from your own experience to make your point. The other possibility is that you come to the table empty-handed because you have been treated unfairly in the past, or you have no prior experience with this topic, so you have no background to draw from. You are being influenced by your past experiences every single time you communicate. The actions you take in meetings, conversations, and situations are guided by a set of expectations. You may sometimes wish that your past experiences influence your future interactions. If your team responded positively to the sales tactics you implemented, you can certainly use the same or similar sales tactics again. The ability to communicate fully can be suppressed or changed by our negative past experiences. Keep in mind that our past experiences need not be negative - they can reaffirm our ability to communicate.


Prejudices are common to all of us. We assume that all people who have similar backgrounds will have the same experiences, based on our past experiences with a particular person. As well as cultural influences, personal preferences and experiences also play a role in prejudice. You can also see prejudice as a positive characteristic; for example, you could think that everyone in a particular group is smart.

A prejudice becomes problematic when it starts to affect how or to whom we communicate. Consider how you might complete the following phrases to gain a better understanding of how this is happening in your workplace. Add a stereotype you have probably heard before to each phrase if you do not have any personal experience to offer:
  • When it comes to working, women...
  • Youth at work are...
  • In the workplace, senior employees are...
  • In the workplace, working mothers are...
  • In the workplace, supervisors are...
  • Low-level workers are...
  • Disabled workers...
It is only when we act based on one isolated experience with one ‘type’ of person that we begin to judge other encounters with the same ‘type’ or with people who share the same characteristics and characteristics. People's individuality is lost when we categorize them in this way. The likelihood that a person with a perceived prejudice or stereotype will have a successful communication or achieve the desired results is much lower when you approach them through a perceived prejudice or stereotype. The worst that can happen is that you alienate or insult someone with whom you want to work. Rather than assuming anything about a person, you should take the time to treat each person individually.


When it comes to this area of influence, feelings play a role in two ways: they can cause you to communicate differently with another person. It simply refers to your physical state; if you are feeling well then you will speak differently than when you are feeling ill. Your communication style will probably vary slightly based on how well you think since your health fluctuates. An illness or other physical stressor that makes it difficult for you to communicate might be the reason for the change in your communication. When there is a belief that something is their fault, acknowledging and recognizing it can be very helpful. The second aspect of feelings is your perception of a specific individual. You'll be able to tell how you feel about someone by the way you communicate with them. In a similar vein, it is also tough to get along with someone you dislike. The following chapters, in addition to learning about practical communication skills, will provide you with some tools that will allow you to communicate effectively, even with someone that you dislike.


Last but not least, your environment influences how you communicate. Our communication styles differ depending on our environment. One can observe this in daily life. Are you the same person you are with your colleagues as you are with your friends? Do you speak to strangers more or less formally than you speak with people you already know? Is the way you interact with your staff the same when your boss is around as when she is absent? Keep your communication style in mind as you work by considering where you are, what is happening, and who is present. Knowing how the environment might affect the people with whom you communicate, significantly when that environment is negatively impacting your ability to communicate, may be helpful to you. When you use this skill, you will be able to figure out why someone shares as they do. Moreover, you will also have the ability to choose a factor to alter in order to improve the comfort level of the individual or set a level of formality that is appropriate for the situation.
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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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