Hematinics: Ferrous sulphate, Ferrous gluconate : Pharmaguideline

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Hematinics: Ferrous sulphate, Ferrous gluconate

Anemias are treated with these substances that are necessary for the formation of blood. They improve the health of the blood.


Anemias are treated with these substances that are necessary for the formation of blood. They improve the health of the blood. Hematinic & a substance that increases the amount of hemoglobin in the blood by stimulating the production of red blood cells.

Various substances called haematinics are needed to ensure that the blood component erythrocytes are correctly formed. Folic acid, vitamin B12, and iron are examples of haematinics. In addition, vitamin D may also protect hemoglobin and stimulate the production of new blood cells, which helps keep bones healthy and the reservoirs of new blood cells.

The hematopoietic process requires a nutrient called a hematinic to produce blood cells. In addition to iron, B12, and folate, haematinics also contain calcium. Anemia can result from a deficiency in haematinics. A hematinic deficiency can be treated with hematinic medicines. These substances work by increasing the blood's hemoglobin content.

Ferrous sulfate

Molecular formula – FeSO4.xH2O
Synonym – iron vitriol, green vitriol

Properties of ferrous sulfate

  • Appearance – blue, green crystals (heptahydrate), white crystals (anhydrous), white, yellow crystals (monohydrate).
  • Taste – it has a metallic taste and astringent-like taste.
  • It is an odorless product.
  • Melting point - 680° C


  • Using oxidation-reduction titration, the test is performed.
  • It was measured that 0.03 gm of ferrous sulfate was dissolved in 25 ml of diluted sulfuric acid, and 0.02 ml of potassium permanganate was dissolved in 25 ml of freshly boiled and cooled water.
  • The equivalent FeSO4•7H2O (ferrous sulfate heptahydrate) is 27.802 mg per ml of 0.02M potassium permanganate.
  • The equivalent concentration of FeSO4 (Anhydrous ferrous sulfate) in each milliliter of 0.02M potassium permanganate is 27.802 mg.


  • In treating and preventing iron deficiency anemia, ferrous sulfate is used as a haematinic agent.
  • Inks, and especially iron gall ink, were manufactured using ferrous sulfate
  • A silvery hue is achieved by coloring maple wood with ferrous sulfate solutions.
  • Iron chlorosis is treated with it in horticulture.
  • A corrosion-resistant protective coating is sometimes applied to the brass tubes of turbine condensers by adding ferrous sulfate to the cooling water.
  • In gold refining, it is a corrosion inhibitor.
  • It is also helpful to identify mushrooms with green vitriol
Dose - A usual dose is said to be 60mg to 600mg.

Storage - Use a bottle or container of amber color to store.

Side effects

  • Constipation
  • Staining of teeth (Temporary)
  • Upset stomach
  • Black or dark colored stool

Ferrous gluconate

Synonym – Ferrosigluconas
Molecular formula – C12H22FeO14.xH2O


  • Melting point - 188°C
  • Taste – it tastes like a caramel
  • Odour – slight caramel odor
  • Solubility - Easily soluble in hot water but is insoluble in alcohol; soluble in glycerine but not free soluble in water. Gives a greenish-brown solution.
  • Appearance – a greenish-yellow to grey powder.


  • Anemia caused by hypochromic iron deficiency can be effectively treated with ferrous gluconate.
  • Food additives such as ferrous gluconate are also used in the production of black olives.

Side effects

Common side effects - Constipation can result in dark, green, or lumpy stools, diarrhoea; nausea, vomiting, cramps, and abdominal pain.

Severe side effects - Inflammation of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue; hives; rash; itchiness; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; black, tarry stools; blood in the stools; fever; severe or persistent nausea; vomiting that looks like blood.


Regular doses for women are 18mg/day, lactating women – 9mg/day, pregnant women – 27mg/day, and men – 8mg/day.

Absorption - The amount administered, the dosing regimen, and the size of the iron stores all affect the effectiveness of iron absorption. When an iron dose is administered to subjects with regular iron stores, they absorb between 10% and 35% of it. An iron-deficient person can absorb an iron dose of up to 95%.
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