Group Discussion: Introduction, Communication Skills in Group Discussion, Do’s and Don’ts of Group Discussion : Pharmaguideline

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Group Discussion: Introduction, Communication Skills in Group Discussion, Do’s and Don’ts of Group Discussion

GD is a technology that judges a candidate's suitability and ability to compete for admissions, scholarships, jobs, and other opportunities.

Group discussion: introduction

Group discussion (GD) is a technology that judges a candidate's suitability and ability to compete for admissions, scholarships, jobs, and other opportunities. Individuals in a group are assessed according to their overall personality - their feelings, thoughts, and behavior. The group is presented with a topic, and members discuss it. The panelists watch the discussion while it is taking place. Candidates participating in the GD are evaluated based on their intellectual, social, leadership, and communicative skills through this observation.

You need knowledge of a field as well as the capacity to work in a group, as a leader or a member, for admission into some of the universities, business schools, or campus placements after graduation. A group discussion is an effective method of evaluating an applicant's ability to work well with others.

Group Discussions have become a mandatory elimination process for students seeking admission to higher education or for prospective employees seeking lucrative positions. With an increasing number of business schools giving equal weight to group discussions along with written tests and interviews, group discussions have become a major part of the admissions process. In multinational corporations, most of the time, group discussions are used for assessing certain personality traits that are relevant to the organization.

Multiple candidates can be evaluated and eliminated simultaneously through a group discussion. As opposed to the cumbersome process of setting question papers and correcting large numbers of scripts involved in written tests, group discussion requires no prior preparation. You just need to decide which topic to discuss. The candidate chooses their own topic, however! A desirable number of candidates can be selected regardless of the number of applicants, whether it is 5 out of 50 or 2 out of 20. Thus, group discussions are cost-effective and time-saving. Using group discussion is one of the best methods for identifying a natural leader. Such a person will emerge naturally in an environment of chaos. A striking student or worker is an example of this. When the strike begins, just a few people gather for a common cause, but as it advances, leaders emerge naturally from the crowd. As leaders, they exhibit all the qualities of a good leader, and their coordination skills are excellent. GDS sound like fish markets in which disputes are settled, conflicts are resolved, and the whole group works together to make peace.

Communication skills in group discussions

  • Your ability to communicate with others
  • What kind of behavior you demonstrate, and how you interact with the other group members
  • Your level of open-mindedness
  • What is your degree of flexibility or rigidity when accepting others' viewpoints in a group
  • You are a great leader
  • The analytical skills you possess
  • Critical thinking & problem-solving skills
  • Managing your time effectively
  • Putting forth your ideas unbiasedly is one of your strongest skills
  • Confidence and attitude towards society

Do's and don’ts of group discussion

Do's of group discussion

  • Be careful what you say.
  • If you don't know much about the topic, the discussion can give you clues, and you can intelligently add what comes to mind in relation to the topic.
  • If necessary, provide facts and figures to support your point.
  • Present your views with gentleness and assurance.
  • Keep your remarks short and to the point, and avoid repetition.
  • Maintain calm and composure when speaking.
  • A crucial part of participation in group discussions is listening to others, so pay attention to others.
  • Respect other people's viewpoints.
  • It is important that your body language indicates your ease of behavior.
  • Discussions may sometimes become hostile. It is advisable to intervene in such a situation to ensure a more relaxed environment. Leadership abilities and problem-solving abilities can be demonstrated in this way.

Don'ts of group discussion

  • When you don't know the topic well, don't initiate the discussion.
  • Even if you are familiar with a topic well, do not overdo it when displaying your knowledge.
  • When other members are speaking, don't interrupt them.
  • If you disagree with most of the other participants' opinions on the topic, do not change your opinion.
  • In situations when a speaker before you have been more effective than you, do not be unconfident.
  • Irrelevant questions should not be asked.
  • Discussions about the topic should not be influenced by personal biases.
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