Elements of Communication: Introduction, Face to Face Communication - Tone of Voice, Body Language, Verbal Communication, Physical Communication : Pharmaguideline

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Elements of Communication: Introduction, Face to Face Communication - Tone of Voice, Body Language, Verbal Communication, Physical Communication

Those tools of communication that are essential to the communication process are called communication elements.

Elements of communication: Introduction

Those tools of communication that are essential to the communication process are called communication elements. Several approaches are initiated and regulated by communication elements in the transmission and reception of information. A communication process, then, must include elements of communication that are both essential and interconnected. The nine components of a communication program are the context, sender, encoder, receiver, channel, decoder, feedback, and noise. These tools or components are necessary to optimize communication between sender and receiver. The terms communication elements or components of communication are often used interchangeably.

Face-to-face communication

Face-to-face communication refers to interactions between two or more individuals who are in direct contact with one another. The personal touch is also referred to as one-on-one communication because crucial information can be sent and received via this process.

Through face-to-face communication, you can build strong relationships. Messages in this manner enable both the receiver and sender to look into each other's eyes, freely express their ideas and thoughts, interpret body language, facial expressions, emotions, tone of voice, and reciprocate in the best possible way.

People can connect and communicate directly through face-to-face communication when they are on the same page, which allows them to communicate directly. Face-to-face interaction used to be confined to individuals standing in the same physical space. Still, today, thanks to all the advances in technology, we can communicate with others online by video chat or video conference without being in the same physical space. Human behavior can be influenced by face-to-face communication as it can influence human behavior according to a situation. Communication is one of the best ways to get your message across and convince the other party that you are right.

Tone of voice

In both written and spoken communication, your voice reflects your business's character. It would help if you considered what you say and how you say it, and the impression you leave on everyone who reads or hears what you have to say. Take a moment to consider. You will meet people who express themselves in their own unique way, as unique as their fingerprints. Friendly and polite individuals are out there. However, there are other people who are abrasive and condescending. Still, others use so few words to convey so much. Others fail to convey their point. The same goes for companies.

Tonality doesn't just refer to how you speak. Among these are all words that appear on your business website, in sales emails, product brochures, and call center scripts, to mention a few examples. By the way, good writing and strong messaging are not the same as tone of voice. Those are the first steps. Your communications should incorporate the language of your brand to give it its own distinct voice.

The tone of your writing should remain consistent across all of your content. You will sound the same no matter what you do or how you speak to your audience as long as you remain consistent. As a result, this shows them you're a reliable, consistent company they can do business with and that every aspect of their product or service experience with you will be great.

The tone of voice is becoming more and more popular among B2B companies as a way to engage their customers.

Body language

The body language we use to communicate our emotions and true feelings is a form of unspoken communication. Smiles are born when a person's relaxed facial expression breaks out in a genuine smile - with their mouths lifted and their eyes wrinkled. A slight tilt of the head can show you're listening, standing, or sitting up straight to show interest, or gesturing with your hands to direct attention. In addition, you may want to take care not to adopt a defensive posture or twiddle your feet restlessly.

Signs like these help you decipher the whole message someone is trying to convey. You'll be more aware of what people think and feel when you speak or act. Your body language will also change to make you appear more positive, engaging, and approachable. Most of us have heard that words can only convey 7% of a message. The message is communicated by nonverbal means in 93 percent of cases.

The quote is taken from Mehrabian's Communication Model, which also states that body language plays more in communicating true feelings than voice tone and words. Mehrabian clarifies that his study is only concerned with communication involving feelings and attitudes. Therefore, it cannot apply to all situations.

It does explain why it's so difficult to gauge sentiment when we cannot see someone - for example, when we are using messaging apps or email.

Verbal communication

Using the spoken word to convey ideas effectively is known as verbal communication. It is crucial to succeeding in business that you have good verbal communication skills. Verbal communication is crucial in every meeting and presentation, from weekly meetings to stakeholder presentations. Speaking clearly, effectively, confidently, and charismatically always leaves an impression on people.

In the introduction of the iPhone, Steve Jobs delivered a speech that can still be recalled today as an example of brilliant verbal communication. Barack Obama also delivered a number of memorable speeches during his time as US president. Speakers should also be able to establish a connection with their audience. Oprah Winfrey says that great communication starts with connections.

The first step to understanding the defining features of verbal communication is to understand its primary form. Oral communication is verbal communication. The act of communicating orally encompasses a variety of activities, including talking, laughing, and listening. Using oral communication, we can navigate a variety of emotional situations. Further, we write using scripts, alphabets, acronyms, graphic designs, and logos. Written messages can only be decoded by everyone involved who understands the code (e.g., the language). Communication via the spoken or written form is different.

A few characteristics of verbal communication are specific, including:
  • There is a direct or indirect connection between the message and the object
  • Concepts are used to convey information
  • To ensure that both sender and receiver understand the content
  • Culture has a major impact on the content
  • Senders' state of mind influences the contents of messages when communicating emotions and feelings.
It is very likely that we do not realize how we communicate with our friends, families, and co-workers. You will benefit more than one way from learning how to communicate verbally. The types of verbal communication that you use and how your audience plays a role are discussed.

Physical communication

In communication, information is conveyed to a recipient who understands it and responds appropriately. Communicating is done in three forms: verbally, in writing, and non-verbally. Physical communication is another term for non-verbal communication. An oral communication method that uses symbols, signs, and gestures. Body parts are used differently when seeing and gesturing. Physical communication is unlike verbal communication, which requires sound and ear.

Physical communication skills are possessed by every individual. The body posture we use when speaking, our eye contacts, our facial expressions, as well as our touch all contribute to these factors. Even small children are able to recognize that nodding indicates yes while shaking indicates no. Apart from these and a few common gestures, physical communication skills encompass much more.

It is as important to keep in touch physically as to communicate any other way. Although underrated, it is able to read and write is equally as important as speaking and hearing. It complements verbal communication and works wonders when used properly. For certain jobs and professions, it is important to possess the ability to communicate physically. Understanding and using signs and gestures is an essential skill in sporting games. Players and coaches both use them.

It is important to have this skill in security agencies due to their nature of operations. Many professionals, such as police, navy, and military, rely on these skills in order to avoid being detected by their enemies. Investigations can determine whether someone is telling the truth or lying by analyzing many nonverbal signals. Where extremely loud noises prevent verbal communication at work sites such as mines and construction sites or in other industries, physical communication is used to its fullest potential. A presentation by a counsellor, a motivational speaker, or a public relations professional is enhanced by physical communication skills. A great orator is not only eloquent, but he or she also uses his or her body movements to capture audiences' attention.
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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of pharmaguideline.com, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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