The complexity of the topic
Communication in written form is an excellent method for sharing information that is easily organized and easy to comprehend by a reader who has no prior experience. As a result, the reader can easily read your communication and understand your message without having to rely on additional information from you. With written communication, meeting notices can be completed, questions can be answered quickly, and clarifications can be provided.Amount of discussion required
It's dangerous to let the exchange of emails continue for too long in writing if it's a complex topic or involved enough to warrant a lot of discussions. The longer the exchange continues in writing, the higher the chance it'll be misunderstood. For the rest, you cannot be sure that everyone has had the opportunity to participate in the discussion unless you have the ability to track each recipient's emails or request everyone to respond in one way or another. Making a decision, explaining a topic or having a conversation for a long time, or discussing controversial topics are not recommended for written communication.Shades of meeting
Previously, we've learned that nonverbal communication is the most important form of communication when making a point. As a writer, you have limited communication options in terms of the ways in which you are able to get your message across. It is less likely that writing will be a successful means of communicating when there is intense emotion around a topic or a message that is important.A written message alone may not be able to express the tone of voice, humor, sarcasm or other shades of meaning. If you are conveying highly emotional or important information via written communication, don't put your trust in someone not understanding your true meaning or risk offending them.
Goals are the focus of business communication. People both inside and outside the organization need to know what the rules, regulations, and policies of a company are. Rules and norms govern business communication. Earlier than today, business communication consisted of paperwork, phone calls, etc. Today, technology provides us with means to communicate through cell phones, video conferencing, emails, and satellites. In order to build an organization's image, business communication is crucial.
Formal communication
When there is a high level of formality between two parties, written communication is the common option. For instance, think about your clients or your customers. There is a likelihood that formal communications will be in writing and include terms of contracts, legal agreements, account information, and other legal or administrative information. The information is available to both of you in a format that you can pass along as needed, and you have both a reference guide for future communication. You are probably more likely to switch from paper documentation to email communications if the level of formality in the relationship decreases.
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