The Communication Process – Source, Message, Encoding, Channel, Decoding, Receiver, Feedback, Context : Pharmaguideline

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The Communication Process – Source, Message, Encoding, Channel, Decoding, Receiver, Feedback, Context

It sounds simple to convey information clearly to others, but it's a complex process that often involves mistakes.
It sounds simple to convey information clearly to others, but it's a complex process that often involves mistakes. As a result, people often have difficulty communicating effectively - both verbally and in writing. In doing so, they convey thoughts and ideas that do not accurately reflect their intended meaning and are misinterpreted or misunderstood by their recipients.

There can be confusion, frustration, wasted effort, and opportunities lost because of this. If communication breaks down, it becomes nearly impossible to collaborate and advance. According to research, managers look for employees with good communication skills among their employees. However, you can only have successful communication if both the sender and the receiver comprehend the message. Transmission occurs when two or more individuals communicate with each other. It makes sense, then, that understanding this process would help you become more aware of what is occurring while you speak and what can be done to ensure that your message is heard clearly. You need to formulate your messages, concisely, accurately, and well-planned to be an effective communicator. As a result, misunderstandings will be avoided, and the Communications Process will proceed smoothly.

Taking a closer look at each stage of the process:


Messages are "sourced" from the sender, so you are the source! Clarity and conciseness are essential when expressing your message. Understanding the news, as well as the reason for its existence - what is its purpose? Furthermore, why is it important? Aside from your confidence in the information you convey, you also need to be sure that it is accurate and useful.


Messages are sent and received by the sender or recipient. In communication, the message signifies the information to be passed along. Through the message, one person can communicate with another. There is a difference between a message and communication intended to be consumed by one individual or a group of individuals. Different methods may deliver messages, including couriers, telegraphs, carrier pigeons, and email. In a conversation, messages are exchanged interactively.


To ensure that the recipient quickly understands the information you are sending, you need to put it in a format that was designed to be sent. Your success will depend on how clear and simple you can communicate and on eliminating the potential for confusion. Make sure that you are aware of any cultural mismatch between yourself and the recipient. As well, don't assume the receiver knows anything about the topic. It may be clear to you how to explain what you're talking about, but to him or her, it may not be that simple. In conclusion, avoid making mental leaps in the information.

Knowing your audience is crucial to succeeding as an encoder. You are likely to lose credibility and be misunderstood, dismissed, and even ignored if you do not understand and respect who it includes.


You have countless options to choose from when sending your message. Verbal communication can occur in many ways, including face-to-face meetings, telephone calls, and video conference calls. In addition to letters, reports, emails, instant messages, and social media posts, written communication includes faxes, emails, and social media posts. Consider including images, videos, illustrations, and charts and graphs in your contact to emphasize your main points.

It's impossible to separate channels based on their advantages and disadvantages. In particular, speaking a long list of instructions isn't particularly helpful, and giving sensitive feedback in person is more appropriate than sending an email. Choosing your channels carefully is therefore crucial.


Encoding and decoding a message successfully are equally tricky skills. It is imperative that you read a message carefully, or listen actively to it, to decode it accurately.

At this stage of the Communications Process, confusion is most likely to occur; however, this does not mean the decoder will always be at fault. You could be using jargon or technical language that he does not understand, or he might not have the background knowledge needed to understand the message. Therefore, encoding issues like these should be dealt with as early as possible.


There is no doubt that you will want your audience to respond to your message in a particular way or take specific action as a result. Each person will interpret the data in their way, though, so keep that in mind. The receivers who participate in the Communication Process each bring a variety of feelings and ideas with them that influence how they understand and respond to your message. As the sender, it's your responsibility to take these feelings and thoughts into consideration when writing your message. If you want to accomplish this, you will have to possess strong emotional intelligence.


Almost immediately after seeing or hearing your message, your audience will likely provide feedback. They may react verbally or nonverbally. It is important to pay attention to these since they will inform you if your message is understood properly. Try to adapt the message if a misunderstanding has occurred. For example, you might find it easier to communicate a complex subject if you simplify it. Maybe you could simplify it or remove technical terms? By doing so, everyone in your audience will be able to understand the subject matter, regardless of their background knowledge.


This refers to the situation in which your message is delivered. For example, as well as the political climate, a discussion of social climate or even a discussion on the broader cultural climate could be included (e.g., corporate culture or national culture).
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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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