Definition and Preparation of Gargles, Mouthwash and Throat Paint : Pharmaguideline

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Definition and Preparation of Gargles, Mouthwash and Throat Paint

Learn definition and preparation of different oral liquids like gargles, mouthwash and throat paints.
Definition of Gargles
These are aqueous hydroalcoholic solutions used to treat or prevent throat infections and contain phenol & thymol, potassium chlorate.
Ex: potassium chlorate and phenol gargle.
Method of Preparation of Phenol Gargle:

1. Phenol Glycerin – 5 ml
2. Amaranth solution – 1 ml
3. Purified water - q.s. To 100 ml

Method of Preparation
Gargles are prepared by adding amaranth solution (1% w/v in chloroform water) to a comparatively less quantity of water and then mix phenol glycerin (16% w/w phenol & 84% w/w glycerin) to it. Then stir the solution to make up to the volume with purified water. Dilute with an equal quantity of water before use.

Container: Strong damp-proof and water-proof with a leak-proof plastic cap.
Labeling: The label should clearly indicate:
1. Proper Prescription for diluting the Gargle.
2. Secondary label- "FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY"
3. Auxiliary label- "NOT TO BE SWALLOWED"

Gargles, Mouthwash and Throat Paint
  • Dilute 1 ml to 20 ml or as per directions by the physician with water, gargle for 30 seconds, repeat 3 to 4 times a day.
  • Dispensed in concentrated form with warm water.
  • Make contact with the mucous membrane of the throat and let it sit there for few moments.
Read the instructions on the label carefully. Avoid contact with eyes, nose etc.

  • Store at room temperature
  • Keep out of the reach of children.
  • Store away from direct sunlight, heat and moisture.
Definition of Mouthwash:
Medicated liquid with pleasant taste and odor used to clean and deodorize the buccal cavity, contain antibacterial agents, glycerol, and sweetening agent, flavoring agent, coloring agent and astringent. E.g.
1. Antiseptic such as Phenolic Mouthwash
2. Analgesic such as Lidocaine Hydrochloride
3. Bactericidal such as Fluoride Mouthwash
4. Anticavity such as Fluoride Rinse

Preparations of Mouthwash: Instructions are as follows;
  • Add a flavor, e.g. eucalyptol or menthol.
  • Sodium benzoate as preservative
  • Water as vehicle
  • Sodium saccharin and sucralose as sweeteners.
  • Colorants
  • Fluoride as an antiseptic agent
  • Detergent
Needed Items:
1. Sodium Bicarbonate – 10 g
2. Sodium Chloride – 15 g
3. Chloroform – 500 ml
4. Peppermint oil – 25 ml
5. Water – 1000 ml

Method of Preparation
  • Mix sodium bicarbonate and sodium chloride in 10ml.
  • Add chloroform and peppermint oil.
  • Add water to fill the required volume.
  • Dispense the solution.
Container: Clear fluted plastic bottles with a narrow neck with a leak-proof plastic cap.
Storage: Stored at room temperature away from children and not to be exposed to sunlight.
Labeling: The label should clearly indicate:
  • Proper prescription for diluting the mouthwash use.
  • Secondary label- “FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY”
  • Brush the teeth before use.
  • Measure the amount to use and add water to it.
  • Use it for 30 seconds.
  • Avoid eating, smoking, rinsing etc. for at least 30 minutes

Definition of Throat Paint
Solutions that contain multiple active ingredients are used to treat mucosa throat or mouth. These are vicious because the high content of glycerin, which is thick in nature sticks to the surface, affects the site, and prolongs the action. E.g.
  • Compound Iodine Paint (Mandl’s Paint) - Used for pharyngitis.
  • Crystal Violet Paint - Used for Thrush.
  • Phenol Glycerin - Used for Ulcerative Stomatitis as it has analgesic effects.
  • Tannic Acid Glycerin - helps in the sore throat as it has astringent actions
Preparation of Throat Paint
Mandl’s Throat Paint:

Item needed are as follows:
  • Potassium Iodide - 25g
  • Iodine - 12.5g
  • Alcohol (90% v/v) - 40ml
  • Water - 25ml
  • Peppermint Oil - 4ml
  • Glycerol - up to 1000ml
Method of Preparation
  • Dissolved potassium iodide in water
  • Add iodine to concentrated potassium iodide solution to form KI3.
  • Dissolve peppermint oil in alcohol (90% v/v).
  • Add alcohol solution to iodine solution.
  • Fill it up with glycerin to the required volume.
  • Wide opening fluted, light-resistant, with leak-proof screw cap glass bottles should be used.
  • To prevent an attack on material by iodine, waxed card liners should be used on caps.
  • Bottles should be ambered colored.
  • Use sodium citrate or sodium acetate as preservatives.

  • Avoid food and water both before and after applying.
  • Should be applied by soft brush or cotton swabs.
  • Only for local applications.
  • Store in a cool place.
  • Shake to mix the solution inside the bottle.
  • Avoid swallowing in large amounts.
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