Best Communication Skills for Managers : Pharmaguideline

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Best Communication Skills for Managers

Effective communication plays an important role in success of a manager. Here are some tips to improve the communication skills or the managers.
The term communication is derived from "communicate" and is a way in which information is passed from one person to the other. Management has a key role in an organization. For an organization to perform well there should be a good culture and relationship that is well natured and well kept in an organization. There should be a good relationship between junior employees and senior management employees.

In my research and analysis, I have found out some of the essential communication skills for managers that they need in their everyday duties and responsibilities. Here are some of the key communication skills for managers;
1. Complementing: As people work so hard for the company they should be rewarded or paid for the work they do for the company. Complements are the most effective way to reward them and make them feel special and that they are recognized and valued. Complements should be verbal or written to always make them motivated. Managers should always do this.

2. Delegation of Duties: Managers should always do delegate duties to their juniors this makes the junior employees feel recognized and have a sense of responsibility to the company. This also enables the manager to train, and make the employee career to grow. Employees may not know their role in the company but when duties are delegated to them they will clearly understand the part they are playing in the progress of the company or a particular project.
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3. Positive Verbal and Non-verbal Communication: Employees always look to their leaders as their role models in their lives or in the organization. Larders should always act positively, talk positively and always has positive energy throughout the day. This is the only key aspect of effective communication skills for managers.

4. Listening: Managers should always have time to listen to their employees even if is silly without reacting negatively. One key thing is managers should always treat employees as a family and make things work well for the employees. Professional listening skills for managers include; listening for a message, listening for emotions behind the message and always considering the questions that come with the message. Hearing the message and getting the facts first before judging is one of the communication skills for managers to take into consideration.

Some of the questions that a manager should always ask and answer themselves include;
a) Are these questions relevant to the company mission?
b) Is there additional information that should ask for and what should I do?
c) Am I able to handle it?
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5. Should be Curious, not Judgemental: Good leaders should be open to challenge and should be curious about all possibilities. When something happens a good leader should explore carefully and find out what is really happening without jumping into conclusion.

6. Never Blame or Accuse Others: Leaders should always own their mistakes and never blame others for their mistakes. Being a leader means being a master of everything within your jurisdiction. They should always be there for everyone and should always develop emotional awareness to recognize what they should do in different cases. All this will always build effective communication skills in managers.

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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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