How Does Quality Cost Less in Long Term? : Pharmaguideline

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How Does Quality Cost Less in Long Term?

Quality of product is a parameter that helps to improve the sell of product and product is promoted the user due to its good quality.
Have you ever wondered why high-quality products or goods last longer than the low-quality ones? Do you know the reason why the rich buy quality products and still remain rich? Have you ever thought of internalizing the saying "cheap is expensive"? Well, in this article you will be able to distinguish the different factors that show how does quality cost less in long-term.

The quality of a product refers to what it can do for a customer. The quality of a medicine refers to how fast and effective it can cure a disease in a patient. When the customers are provided with quality products this helps in the retention and also acquiring more customers with less marketing.

Quality Costs Less in Long Term
On the other hand, when the quality of the products delivered is poor, this results to loss of customers therefore in order to win the customers back a lot of marketing must be done. For instance, if a certain company offers poor quality medicine to customers the customers will seek another best alternative even if the cost is high and winning them back after such an incidence will be costly.

Another factor that tries to show the benefit of quality in the long-term is the fact that quality products produce fewer complaints from the customers and also the number of returns. An example is when a pharmaceutical industry produces low-quality drugs. This will lead to a high number of complaints and also a lot of returns from the customers. When this happens the industry will either produce quality drugs for them free or even return the amount that each customer used to purchase those drugs. This would not be the case if the initial drugs were of high quality.

High-quality products return a higher return on investment as compared to low-quality products. The high return on investment is brought about by the willingness of the customers to come back for more products even when the price is high. It is also evident that many people purchase different products after hearing about them from others.

This means that fewer resources are needed in the marketing of the product. For instance, if a person A gets the flu and buys a drug from an industry X and the flu gets cured fast, if a friend of A is affected by the flu will automatically buy the drug from industry X.
Related: What Does Quality Really Mean for Pharmaceuticals?

Poor quality products may in serious cases incur legal costs for failing to comply with the industry or customers standards. An example, a patient takes drugs from a certain industry to cure a disease. The drug is of poor quality and the patient dies and tests shows that the death was as a result of the drug. The affected family may sue the industry that manufactured the drug and in case the ruling favors the accuser the industry have to incur all the legal charges and compensation.

In conclusion, the low-quality products tend to be costly in long-term as compared to high-quality products. This is brought about by the different factors. So in case, you need to purchase a product for instance medicine, make sure to go for the highest quality even if the cost is high.

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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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