Importance of Visual Inspection in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing : Pharmaguideline

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Importance of Visual Inspection in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Visual inspection in pharmaceutical packaging play significant role to maintain the product quality. Automated visual inspection systems are also used in pharmaceuticals these days.
Pharmaceutical manufacturing industries are the most precise and quality improving industries in the world. Their main aim is to manufacture high-quality medicine products which are closely related to the health of people to heel them. But the most important in pharmaceutical manufacturing industries is quality.

It is very important to deliver high quality and 100% genuine product to the customer. Because FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) is the main base of pharmaceutical manufacturing industries. According to FDA guidelines, These 3 points are very important:
1) Patients health safety
2) 100% Genuine products and
3) No side effects

Visual Inspection
So the quality department in pharmaceutical manufacturing industries start the inspection of product and try to increase the quality level of their products.

To increase the quality of the products means to inspect the good quality products from the manufactured batch. The fully automated inspection system in pharmaceutical manufacturing industries is playing a very important role in the inspection process. The visual inspection is the most trusted, fast and precise inspection of all the other inspection techniques. The visual inspection in pharmaceutical manufacturing industries is increasing and achieving the new parameters of success.

The fully atomized visual inspection system is very important in the process of quality in pharmaceuticals. The use of camera and controlling device makes this system efficient, fast responding and less time-consuming.

The below list contains the advantages of the fully atomized visual inspection system's role in pharmaceutical manufacturing industries:
1) Higher Quality: Provide a higher range of good quality products
2) Complete Information about the Product: Provide every single information about product and production values.
3) Tighter Process Control: Very precise controlling of the system and the process.
4) Productivity: It will help to increase the higher quality products
5) Reduce Inspection Time: Very small time period required to inspect the good quality product so it will help to maintain the production rate and productivity.
6) Strong Security: Visual inspection machines are available with advance security levels to ensure the security of the system.
7) Use of Sensors: These visual inspection machines are equipped with advanced industrial sensors to detect and capture every single change in your system.
8) Low Electrical Consumption: The electrical consumption of these visual inspection machines is very low according to other machines.
9) Higher Accuracy: Because of advanced technology, the accuracy level is very higher
10) No Negative Effects: These machines are having no problems and any other negative effects on other related systems.
11) Easy to Use: These systems are available with very simple teaching steps and very convenient for use.

GAMP (Good Automated Manufacturing Practice) provides the guidelines to increase the quality of the products. And according to GAMP 5 guidelines, the best way to increase the quality of the product is to apply the inspection process. And visual inspection is the best system to inspect the products without any kind of harm.

These machines or systems use high-quality lens camera with high resolution to capture the high-quality image of the product. The controller of the system is very efficient to analyze the input data and provide a quick response to every action.

The visual inspection system is very convenient and advanced technology-based system to increase the level of quality in pharmaceutical manufacturing industries.

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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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