Causes and Remedies of Binding in Tablet Manufacturing : Pharmaguideline

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Causes and Remedies of Binding in Tablet Manufacturing

Tablet binding is a common defect that is faced during the tablet manufacturing, it is the binding of the tablet content with the dies.
Tablet manufacturing involves a series of processes all aimed at the result of a uniform fine piece of art tablet. This article aims at exploring the causes and remedies of binding in tablet manufacturing. The processes include sizing, milling, drying, and compressing among several other procedures. Well, in each of the processes there are possibilities of defects that give rise to associated problems.

For the tablet compression, which is aimed at delivering tablets with designated hardness, the associated problem is binding. In other words, it could be regarded as binding to the die. Once the tablet binds to the die, it does not eject properly, resulting in a deformed tablet.

Tablet Binding
The primary causes of the binding problem relate to lubricant and pressure on the die side and moisture on the end of the tablet. Expounding on the binding defect, it could be said that the tablet tends to bind to the die if the die is not sufficiently lubricated.

On the other hand, too much moisture resulting from insufficient drying may cause binding regardless of proper die lubrication.

Diving deeper into the lubrication cause of binding, inappropriate or little lubrication is bound to cause binding. The solution for binding related to lubrication is the use of the right type of lubricant or increasing the amount of lubricant in situations which the lubricant is less.

The second cause being the moisture content of the tablet causes binding from two perspectives. One is in the case that there is more moisture than necessary and the tablet does not attain the required hardness, which leads to the binding. The other perspective is in the case that the tablet is over dried and too hard a tablet reduces the effectiveness of the lubricant. It would be safe to say that to some extent moisture, and lubrication are correlated.

For the moisture content of the tablet, the solution is appropriately drying the granules. Also, it could be possible to mitigate the hard/ coarse granules problem by increasing the surface area by passing the granules through a fine mesh to reduce the granule size, which increases the chances even lubricant binding. Also, coarse granules tend to be excessively abrasive and cut into the dies in which case the use of wear resistant dies would mitigate the problem.
Related: Causes and Remedies of Sticking in Tablet Manufacturing

Too much pressure in the die press is another cause for binding during tablet manufacturing, which would be mitigated by regulating the granulation or reducing the die pressure. Too little clearance in the die also results in binding, and the solution lies in increasing the clearance.

In conclusion, excessive binding results cracked, and random cases of crumbled tablets. These physical traits form ugly physical defects, which reduce the likeability of the drug. As such, the mitigation measures taken for binding is just one of the several other tablet manufacturing defects should be implemented for the other defects as well.

Causes and remedies of binding in tablet manufacturing rely on two principal components the processes, and the machinery. As such, caution should be taken in the granulation and every single step of the manufacturing process. The chemical and mechanical means should be geared towards the result of a perfect tablet that is free from defects.

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