Why Cold Chain Logistics are Required in Pharmaceuticals? : Pharmaguideline

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Why Cold Chain Logistics are Required in Pharmaceuticals?

Cold chain logistics are essential to transport the pharmaceutical and bio pharmaceutical products. High temperature may cause the degradation in these products those may harm the end user.
Over the years the pharmaceutical industry has used non-temperature specific drugs as pills for most of its purposes. Cold chain pharmaceutical logistics, however, for much of the decades, has been associated heavily with the food industry and less with the pharmaceutics. The introduction of new types of medicines, time and temperature dependent, has seen the adoption and wide consumption of cold chain logistics in the pharmaceutical industry.

According to a 2017 edition of a report by Pharmaceutical Commerce’s annual Biopharma Cold Chain Sourcebook, the pharmaceutical industry consumes cold chain requiring products at twice the pace of non-temperature controlled products. An indication of where the future lies for most pharmaceuticals.

Importance of Cold Chain Logistics in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Cold Chain LogisticsMuch of the rapid increase in the requirement of cold chain logistics in the pharmaceutical industry is majorly attributed to quality assurance and efficiency of the pharmaceutical products.

The advent of biologics in the pharmaceutical industry owing to their widespread effectiveness demands for the usage of cold chain manufacture, transportation, delivery, and usage to ensure their effective functioning. Insulin vaccine is one such biologic which, contrary to popular chemically produced medicines, is biologically produced from living cells thus it requires utmost logistical production to delivery.
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More so, the cost is another factor to consider, biologics are expensive to produce, transport, deliver, store and deploy on patients and thus a slight misalignment in logistics renders them waste incurring huge financial costs to health facilities. Damaged biologics if used in treatments of patients, they might end up not performing as desired leading to devastating effects on the health of the patient.

Cold chain logistics being a requirement in pharmaceutics furthermore, is due to an increase in pharmaceutics which requires effective temperature and time control. Cellular therapies, biomarker testing, as well as regenerative medicine in the form of stem cells, are leading the trends in modern medicines and hitherto, they demand temperature regulation to maintain efficiency and guarantee quality.

Quality assurance is another factor which makes pharmaceutics adopt invest in cold chain logistics. As a requirement by major regulating bodies worldwide, Good Distribution Practices (GDPs) do have a major insistence on temperature regulation for a majority of pharmaceutics to preserve their quality. For better assurance and lessen the waste incurred, pharmaceuticals do require to employ cold chain pharmaceutical logistics to achieve optimum results.

Modern medicine practices make it a mandatory requirement to incorporate the best practices in day to day running of a business. The pharmaceutics industry does demand the best of services to assure the quality of service to its clients and thus, with more and more pharmaceutical products being temperature specific, often ranging from 2 degrees to 8 degrees Celsius, pharmaceuticals require cold chain logistics for sustained growth and effectiveness.

More so, the cost implications associated with poor medicine logistics can be detrimental to an organization, from lawsuits owing to poor treatments to massive wastage of biologics which do incur huge financial and time constraints in their supply chain. It is therefore prudent for pharmaceuticals to employ cold chain logistics.

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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of pharmaguideline.com, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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