What are symmetry and asymmetry? : Pharmaguideline

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What are symmetry and asymmetry?

Symmetry is well identified whenever objects appear to be identical in their physical nature. Mostly, it can be identified from a central point or point of axis. Also, it can be identified whenever two mirrored sides of objects are exactly the same. On the other hand, asymmetry is an imbalance in the relationship as compared to symmetry.
Symmetry is well identified whenever objects appear to be identical in their physical nature. Mostly, it can be identified from a central point or point of axis. Also, it can be identified whenever two mirrored sides of objects are exactly the same. On the other hand, asymmetry is an imbalance in the relationship as compared to symmetry. Asymmetry can be identified in cases like when there is a conversation between speaker and hearer. Therefore, symmetry and asymmetry are used and applied in the daily situation of life. They include many uses according to their types.

Symmetry comprises many types like rotational symmetry. Here, this type of symmetry does not depend on angles but majorly depends on the center of rotation that can lead to rotation while keeping the symmetry. Also, we have a translational symmetry that is identified in the case whereby you can move an element in a design without losing the symmetry properties.

Reflection symmetry can be well elaborated in case of a mirror that reflects the real object whereby it displays all properties found in it. Glide reflection symmetry. This type of symmetry can be explained through cases like footprints in the sand.

Therefore, both symmetry and asymmetry have their own uses in the day to day activities. Breast asymmetry is a disorder that is usually as a result whereby a woman’s breast size is not the same, one breast may appear to be big in size than the other. Normally, breast sizes do vary with a slight difference that cannot be identified. Whenever a woman experiences a case that one breast is bigger than the other, the lady should see a doctor since it may be due cases like breast cancer starting to form.

Also, symmetry is of help in human life in a case whereby the human balance is studied. Here, the human body includes many factors that lead to generating a greater balance. There is an understanding that explains why a human being can walk and even run whereas others cannot manage to do so due to an imbalance in the body parts. Symmetry also leads to greater understanding in human behavior like brain balance on the left and right side, also, symmetry is used to study on the hand size, legs etc.

In mathematics, symmetry and asymmetry are used when making some calculations and stating approximations between variables. By use of both symmetry and asymmetry, it leads to generating the desired results in the mathematical field. In Engineering, there is sharing of knowledge in symmetry and asymmetry proportions so as to generate or construct a desired product or invention.

In conclusion, both asymmetry and symmetry are greatly used in our daily lives so as to solve a problem or provide a desired product and goal. Through these two similarities, it will help to understand what might be the cause of a particular problem in both human lives, in the invention of new products mostly in engineering field or finding the right fractions and proportion in numbers and variables in the mathematics field. Therefore, this two have greater help almost in all fields in life.

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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of pharmaguideline.com, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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