Total Productivity Management : Pharmaguideline

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Total Productivity Management

Total productivity management to improve the production and sell in pharmaceuticals.
Think about how you manage, make, measure and maintain improvement in your company:
  • Is all improvement helping achieve competitive success? 
  • Is everyone focused on a consistent set of objectives? 
  • Do you know everyone is involved and in what ways? 
  • How do you make sure intended improvements happen? 
  • How quickly and well are improvements really happening? 
  • Do the changes stick? 
  • What more could be achieved?

The answers to these questions form the basis of the Total Productivity (TP) Management approach. TP Management is a customized framework for improving your business that includes:
  • Appropriate strategic and performance analysis 
  • Integrated, visible planning objectives and targets 
  • Defined improvement strategies that involve everyone's contribution, every day 
  • Congruent measurement, analysis and feedback 
  • Targeted capability and skills development 
  • Standardization of new found methods and procedures

Total Productivity Management has demonstrated results showing quantum leaps in improvement sustained across entire organizations.
Effectively use all company resources, to
Increase product power, and enhance customer satisfaction, in the context of
Clear business direction, an integrated, visible improvement plan, a consistent set of improvement strategies, and an appropriate performance measurement system

The Philosophy of Total Productivity Management

Superior Capability - a daily challenge

  • The only way companies can continue to succeed in an increasingly competitive world is to focus on the challenges of consistently delivering superior quality products and service at the best price and the right time. This calls for adaptability and ever-increasing capability.
  • TP management is a proven methodology for capability development that ensures quality, delivery and cost objectives are met and exceeded every day.
  • TP management is your opportunity to move beyond your current capabilities towards world-class levels to better satisfy your customers, employees and shareholders.

Power of the Product

  • The fundamental purpose of any manufacturing business is to convert materials into finished products.
  • Manufacturing success is about designing and delivering attractive, powerful products and value-added services that more customers want to buy.
  • Businesses not only need to deliver the most powerful products and services - they must consistently do this with fewer resources if customers are to receive the best possible value for money.
  • TP Management delivers the most powerful product while using the minimum resources possible.

Improvement Using Total Productivity Management

Overview of TP Management's Improvement Process
First - understand the strategic, business, customer and employee context within which the improvement is to be made. Then apply the three-step sequence.
Now - Start with a realistic review of the current situation, including feedback, measurement, analysis, critique, comparison and evaluation.
How - Define the steps involved in moving from the current situation to the desired future state - and then standardize to sustain the new levels.
Where - Develop a desired future state that embraces vision, purpose, goals and aspirations.

Improving Physical, Information and Organisational Systems

TP Management encompasses concurrent improvement strategies in physical, information and organizational systems.
  • Physical processes and systems improvement 
  • Change underlying driving concepts and principles 
  • Redesign the configuration and layout of the factory 
  • Simplify, speed up and shorten material flows 
  • Increase throughput, reliability, the capability of equipment and processes 
  • Streamline transport, handling and storage procedures 
  • Make workplace layouts and methods more productive
Physical systems are overlaid by information systems to:
  • Effectively plan to match demand and supply 
  • Enhance operating procedures, instructions, process control 
  • Provide process-related performance measurement, analysis and feedback 
  • Provide innovative standardization of methods and procedures

Organisational systems respond to both physical and information requirements to provide:
  • Appropriate process and team-based structures 
  • Clear roles, responsibilities and accountabilities 
  • Continuous skills development 
  • Effective communication of expectations and feedback

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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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