Biosimilars and their Significance in Pharmaceuticals : Pharmaguideline

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Biosimilars and their Significance in Pharmaceuticals

Concept of biosimilars is common these days in pharmaceuticals. Biosimilars are useful for pharmaceutical manufacturers and end users.
The pharmaceutical industry is important for human health for it discovers, produces and markets drugs which most of us use for medicinal purposes. However, they work under laws and regulations that govern them on how to perform their duties. The industry deals with a large number of drugs but this article will focus on biosimilar drugs. Everything about the drugs including their importance is explained below.

Biosimilars are medical drugs made from living microorganisms found in plant and animal cells. Their production has increased since they have a higher demand due to their efficiency and lower costs.

Biosimilars in PharmaceuticalsMany biosimilars are available in the market nowadays but the first to be produced in March 2015 was Zarxio. This product was approved by the Food and Drugs Administration as being safe for human beings. This is the time it started gaining more significance among different classes of people.

In the United States and Europe, biosimilars have a significant impact on the pharmaceutical industries like Coherus, Teva and Sandoz which is;
Increased Profit: This is due to their large numbers that are available in the market which makes it easier for patients to easily access the product at a likely less expensive cost. This is important to patients for they readily have the medications they require which are likely to be less expensive.

Biosimilars are also approved by the Food and Drug Administration which makes patients more comfortable whenever they are using it. This will result in many patients using the product which means that it will be sold in large quantities since its demand in the market is high. This will result in more sales for the industry.

Biosimilars treat a number of diseases which include;
Severe Chronic Neutropenia: This is a condition whereby there is a low concentration of blood cells in the blood. As we all know the purpose blood cells is to destroy bacteria and blood viruses. Due to the low concentration of blood cells, the human body can be attacked by different bacterial diseases.

Cancer: Especially patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation. This is a disorder that affects a large number of people in the world. If you enter hospitals, you may find out that the largest number of patients are the ones suffering from cancer. So now we have a solution as biosimilars are in the market to help this kind of patients.

Leukemia: A disorder where blood-forming organs produce a large number of immature leukocytes. Leukocytes help in protecting the body from harmful infection and they are not likely to work effectively since they are immature. This will lead to diseases like anemia.

In conclusion, biosimilar drug products have brought a greater positive impact on the pharmaceutical industry of this century. The impact has led to the expansion of the industry due to the profits gained from the sale of biosimilar products.

It's medical significance is known all over the world which makes it the number one medication for diseases like cancer, leukemia and neutropenia. Another important point to note about biosimilars is that they are produced in large numbers which means there is no shortage in the market.

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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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3 comments: Post Yours! Read Comment Policy ▼

  1. Anonymous06 September

    Thank you for sharing such a nice and interesting blog with us. Hope it might be much useful for us. Keep on updating...!!

  2. Really nice contribution to pharma

  3. Nice article...Please post on pharmaceutical development of Biosimilars and vaccines and guidelines of it's


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