SOP for the Networking across the Organization : Pharmaguideline

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SOP for the Networking across the Organization

Standard operating procedure to provide the cable networking for the computers in the organization.


To lay down the procedure to have common and standard networking infrastructure across the organization through Network.

2.0 SCOPE:

Applicable to all Network Switch, Cabinet, LAN Cable and Router.


3.1 Executive IT shall be responsible for implementation of this SOP at the organization.




5.1 Network cable shall be CAT 5e or higher. The cable laying shall be done in coordination with plant engineering team/Architect team.
5.2 IT Department shall make sure that cable length is as per the specification of UTP and fiber.
5.3 Fiber cable shall be laid where-ever necessary — mainly for backbone.
5.4 All the cables shall be marked with numbers for tracing and cable layout diagram is in place.
5.5 IT Department shall make sure that all the devices including the switch, router, and cables shall be installed in the cabinet which shall be lockable and with the proper label for identification.
5.6 All the locations shall be connected with MPLS or Point to Point connectivity (WAN) and adequate backup is in place in case of the primary link goes down.

5.7 IT department shall make sure that the configuration backup of the managed switch (e.g. Cisco) and routers (e.g Cisco) shall be taken periodically (Whenever there is the change in configuration) and is accessible in case of equipment goes faulty.
5.8 IT department shall make sure that Active Network Diagram is in place and updated whenever there is any change in terms of cable route and in terms if switches.
5.9 SNMP string shall be used in case of monitoring any device on the network.


6.1 IT: Information Technology
6.2 LAN: Local Area Network
6.3 WAN: Wide Area Network
6.4 UTP: Unshielded Twisted Pair
6.5 SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
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