The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to manage printers through Print Server, which allows the system administrator to track usage and monitor errors from a centralized point. To make sure it is not available to any unauthorized user. This greatly simplifies tracking and reporting printer usage for chargeback, error tracking, maintenance, and other purposes.2.0 SCOPE:
Applicable to all printers installed on the print server.3.0 RESPONSIBILITY:
3.1 Executive IT shall be responsible for implementation of this SOP at the organization.4.0 ACCOUNTABILITY:
5.1 Print server shall have server range Static IP address and access to respective segments.5.2 Network printer shall be installed with admin credential only.
5.3 IT Administrator shall make necessary entry in DNS for the printers.
5.4 All the network printers shall be configured with the password for configuration.
5.5 User shall be restricted to delete/cancel their jobs only.
5.7 Respective department or print job owner is responsible for providing sufficient printing stationary in the printer.
5.8 Respective department shall be responsible for any consumables like toner, cartridges and physical damage to the printer.
5.9 IT department shall ensure a quality of printing stationary before purchasing it.
5.10 IT department shall ensure that printers shall be accessible to respective segments.
5.11 Unwanted print jobs, printer health, low toner warnings and wastage of printing stationery shall be monitored by IT department and respective department where the printer shall be installed.
5.12 IT administrator shall install and configure printers on the print server.
6.1 IT: Information Technology
6.2 HOD: Head of Department
6.3 SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
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