SOP for Internet Access in Organization : Pharmaguideline

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SOP for Internet Access in Organization

Standard operating procedure to provide the internet access rights to the employees of organisation


The purpose of this standard operating procedure (SOP) is to provide internet access to the employee to achieve their business goals and objectives and at the same time control the same to avoid the misuse so that it shall not create unnecessary business risk.

2.0 SCOPE:

Applicable to all desktops and laptops available in the network.


3.1 Executive IT shall be responsible for implementation of this SOP at the organization.




5.1 Internet access to all computer users shall be provided through proxy server only.
5.2 To access internet user shall authentication on the domain — approval shall be required from IT for internet access.
5.3 All types of free mail sites like Gmail, Yahoo mail, Rediff mail and chatting sites/applications shall be blocked. This can be enabled for the particular user with approval from department head and IT.
5.4 All porn/fraudulent/slanderous/defamatory like sites shall be blocked.
5.5 Any download from internet and upload to the internet shall be blocked and if it's a business need then it shall be done with the permission of the IT department.
5.6 Internet access given through wireless router shall have strong and complex encryption key and must be changed periodically.
5.7 Internet usage shall be monitored. 
5.8 Each user shall be responsible for his or her login ID and password. 

5.9 Users are prohibited from accessing, transmitting, downloading, printing, archiving, storing or distributing any site. graphic, image, document, text, etc. from the Internet, that may be constructed as harassing, discriminating or disparaging of others based on their race, national origin, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, religious or political beliefs. 
5.10 IT department shall provide the internet to all employee through the proxy server. 
5.11 IT department shall provide the internet through windows server domain user authentication. 
5.12 Any user observes any internet policy violation shall notify his/her Reporting Manager or Human Resources Representative 
5.13 IT department shall monitor Internet traffic periodically for usage or any misuse. 


6.1 IT:  Information Technology
6.2 ID: Identification
6.3 NA: Not Applicable
6.4 SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
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