Pharmaceutical Interview Questions - Production (Granulation, Compression & Coating) : Pharmaguideline

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Pharmaceutical Interview Questions - Production (Granulation, Compression & Coating)

Interview questions on Granulation, Compression, Coating, manufacturing system and different equipments for a better job in pharmaceutical production.
1. Which type of water use in the manufacturing process?
2. When you change the water of hygrometer?
3. How material is added in the mixer after completion of shifting?
4. What is the %age of IPA should be taken for Cleaning of machine & equipment?
5. Why we destroy the tablets of first few rotations before starting the machine for the compression of the batch?
6. How Many Tablet Should be taken for Measure Wt. gain before and after coating?

7. What type of lubricant oil should be apply on idle machine & storage of dies Punch?
8. What is the frequency to check the hardness?
9. What is the frequency to check the wt variation?
10. What are the wt variation limit according to USP?
11. What is the limit for D.T of uncoated tab according to USP?
12. Which type of oil used on punch barrel?
13. What should be the distance between the turret and feed frame free flow of granules?
14. Which label is to be affix after the completion of compression?
15. Who is responsible for proper operation of compression machine?
16. What do we use during milling?
17. What should be the direction of movement of knife for getting more granules in Multi-Mill?
18. How many variable speeds are there in Multi-Mill?
19. How we control the feed to multi-mill?
Related: Interview Questions for Quality Department
20. What are the parameters of Screen to be checked before starting the operation in Multi-Mill?
21. What type of thread is required to tie the polybag to discharge chute in Multi-Mill?
22. How can speed of Multi-Mill be changed?
23. What is the name of Assembly that contains knifes and Scrapper Blades in Multi-Mill? 
24. What should be the air pressure of Panel in FBD?
25. What should be the air pressure of inflatable tubes in FBD?

26. What is the default password for manual mode of HMI in FBD?
27. What is the full name of HMI?
28. Can we use one finger bag for two Products of different Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients?
29. What is the full form of SFM?
30. What is the full form of LOD?
Also see: SOP for Tablet Granulation, Compression and Coating

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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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