SOP for Preparation of Disinfectant Solutions : Pharmaguideline

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SOP for Preparation of Disinfectant Solutions

SOP to prepare the disinfectant solution for cleaning of floor in manufacturing area of pharmaceutical industry.


To describe a procedure for disinfection solutions of standard operating procedure.


This procedure applies to the preparation of disinfectants in the manufacturing facility.


Production officer
Production executive


General manager


5.1 Preparation of 0.1% Teepol solution

5.1.1 Take 10 ml teepol in 10 liters plastic container.
5.1.2 Then dilute it up to 10 liters with distilled water.
5.1.3 Mix the solution uniformly with a glass rod.
5.1.4 Label the container and keep in a separate area.

5.2 Preparation of 70% I.P.A (Isopropyl Alcohol)

5.2.1 Take clean 25 liters capacity plastic container.
5.2.2 Issue 17.5 liters 100% IPA from the raw material store in a plastic container and take it in the production area.
5.2.3 Dilute with 7.5 liters distilled water to make the volume 25 liters and mix uniformly.
5.2.4 Filter the solution through 0.2 µ filter and collect in a clean container.
5.2.5 Label the container and keep in a separate area.

5.3 Preparation of 2.5% Lysol

5.3.1 Take 250 ml of lysol in measuring cylinder.
5.3.2 Take 25.0 liters of distilled water in a container.
5.3.3 Add lysol solution in the distilled water container and mix well.
5.3.4 Label the container and keep in a separate area.

5.4 Preparation of 2.5% Cetrimide

5.4.1 Take 250 ml of cetrimide in measuring cylinder.
5.4.2 Take 25.0 liters of distilled water in a container.
5.4.3 Add cetrimide solution in the distilled water container and mix well.
5.4.4 Label the container and keep in a separate area.

5.5 Preparation of 2.5% Aldecol-H (Ultracid)

5.5.1 Take 250 ml of aldecol-H (ultracid) in measuring cylinder.
5.5.2 Take 25.0 liters of distilled water in a container.
5.5.3 Add aldecol-H (ultracid) solution in the distilled water container and mix well.
5.5.4 Label the container and keep in a separate area.

5.6 Preparation of 3.0% Chlorhexynol

5.6.1 Take 300 ml of chlorhexynol in measuring cylinder.
5.6.2 Take 25.0 liters of distilled water in a container.
5.6.3 Add chlorhexynol solution in the distilled water container and mix well.
5.6.4 Label the container and keep in a separate area.

5.7 Preparation of 2.5% Benzicide-v

5.7.1 Take 250 ml of benzicide-v in measuring cylinder.
5.7.2 Take 25.0 liters of distilled water in a container.
5.7.3 Add benzicide-v solution in the distilled water container and mix well.
5.7.4 Label the container and keep in a separate area.

5.8 Preparation of 2.5% Gramicide

5.8.1 Take 250 ml of gramicide in measuring cylinder.
5.8.2 Take 25.0 liters of distilled water in a container.
5.8.3 Add gramicide solution in the distilled water container and mix well.
5.8.4 Label the container and keep in a separate area.


6.1 SOP - Standard operating procedure
6.2 QA - Quality assurance
6.3 NA - Not applicable
6.4 No. - Number
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