To lay down the cleaning procedure for Pressure Vessel, Peristaltic Pump & Spraying gun.2.0 SCOPE:
This SCP shall be applicable for Pressure Vessel, Peristaltic Pump, and Spraying gun used in Coating area in Production department.3.0 RESPONSIBILITY:
3.1 Execution :Operator3.2 Checking :Pharmacist and Above
HOD-Production5.0 PROCEDURE:
5.1.1 Disconnect the tubes from pressure vessel.5.1.2 Apply 25 liter hot water to the vessel, close lid and stirrer thoroughly. Then wash with 20 liter potable water for at least 2-3 times till residue is washed off.
5.1.3 Then wash with about 20 liter purified water & Wipe out with lint free cloth soaked in 70%v/v solution of Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA).
5.1.4 Finally wipe out with clean dry lint free cloth.
5.1.5 Affix ‘Cleaned’ label.
5.2.1 Disconnect the silicon tubing.5.2.2 Wipe off residual dust with the help of wet lint free cloth and followed with dry lint free cloth.
5.2.3 Affix ‘Cleaned’ label.
5.3.1 Dismantle the parts of the gun.5.3.2 Wash them thoroughly with 15 liter Potable water. If used for Non Aqueous coating soaks the parts in 70 %v/v solution of Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) for a few minutes and then washes with 15 liter purified water.
5.3.3 Wipe all the parts with clean lint free cloth soaked in 70 %v/v solution of Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) 2 to 3 times.
5.3.4 Wipe out with clean dry lint free cloth.
5.3.5 Clean the silicon tubing under Potable water & rinse with 70 % v/v solution of Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) then pass compressed air to dry the tubes.
5.3.6 Re-clean the above parts if not used within 72 hours.
5.3.7 Fill all the activities in the “Equipment Log Book”.
SCP :Standard Cleaning ProcedureIPA :Isopropyl Alcohol
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