SOP for Oven for Incubation at 55°C : Pharmaguideline

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SOP for Oven for Incubation at 55°C

Standard operating procedure of oven for incubation at 55 deg.C.


To define the operation of the instrument for better and error-free use of the same.


This procedure is applicable to Oven for incubation at 550C, installed in Quality control.


3.1 Doing: Technical Assistant/Executive.
3.2 Checking: Executive/ Manager


Head of the Department


5.1 Clean the instrument with a dry clean cloth.
5.2 Switch ‘ON’ the mains, switch ‘ON’ the instrument.
5.3 Set the temperature 550C by temperature with the help of control panel as given method.
5.4 Press set key So that the ‘PV’ will display which show present temperature & SV display will show set temperature.
5.4.1 To set the required temperature, Press ‘△’key to increase temperature & press ‘▽’ key to decrease the temperature.
5.4.2 Initially the temperature will increase/decrease with 0.1, after 10 step it will increase/decrease by 1.0, Again after 10 step it will increase or decrease will start again.
5.4.3 If the key left unpress the above cycle increase or decrease by 10.
5.4.4 Set the temperature 550C.
5.4.5 After setting temperature. Press set key so that the SV will indicate ‘hr’ i.e. time. So enter the clock time & again press set key.
5.4.6 The SV indicate ‘nt’ i.e.minutes. Set the clock time minutes & again press set key.
5.4.7 SV indicate ‘th’ i.e. day enter the day & again press set key.
5.5 Now SV indicate Pi, i.e. print interval.
5.6 Set requires time interval and Press set key.
5.7 Now the SV indicate pd, i.e. If we set pd-1 so that the message will be stored & after pressing print the memory will pass for printing.
5.8 If setting is pd-2 it will give every interval printing during the cycle operation.
5.9 To clear the previous printing date set pd-3 & again press set so that the previous printing data will be cleared.
5.10 Set pd-1
5.11 After that press set. It will Blink SC i.e. scanner. Set the required scanner reading interval by △ or ▽key in seconds & press set key
5.12 Switch on the heater to ‘low’ or to ‘high’ , as per required temperature setting.
5.13 Set the programme as per required cycle.
5.14 Keep the tubes/ plates for incubation.
5.15 After the completion of incubation attached the dot metric printer & insert the dot metric code given on right side of the oven.
5.16 Switch ‘ON’ the printer & press the print.
5.17 After completion of printing if the 4 channel scanner print required then press ‘scanner’ & again press ‘print’.

5.18 Switch ‘OFF’ the printer.
5.19 Switch ‘OFF’ the Heater and take out the tubes- plates from the incubator at 55°C.
5.20 Switch ‘OFF’ the instrument & then switch ‘OFF’ the main.
(1) If the ‘Alarm’ is ‘ON’ then press “ACK’ key to discontinue it.
(2) During setting the programme to come out from programme press ‘cool’ key.
(3) In case if the printer is out of order, Note down the temperature three times a day in Annexure.


°C = Degree Centigrade
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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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