Cleaning Validation Protocol for Pharmaceuticals : Pharmaguideline

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Cleaning Validation Protocol for Pharmaceuticals

Protocol for validation of cleaning procedure including Validation Program, Change Control, Sampling, Testing Procedure, Inspection Criteria and Acceptance criteria.

1.0 Introduction:

The Validation of the Cleaning Procedures is establishing documented evidence that the procedure is effective and capable for removing the contaminants associated with previous products, residues of cleaning agents as well as the control of potential microbial contaminants.
The Cleaning Validation is not only ensuring the compliance of the regulatory requirements, but a more important benefit for performing cleaning procedure validation is the identification and the correction of the potential problems which could compromise the safety, efficacy or quality of the subsequent batches of drug product.

2.0 Objective:

The objective of the Cleaning Validation is to verify the effectiveness of the cleaning procedure for removal of product residues, degradation products, preservatives, excipients and/or cleaning agents so that the analytical monitoring may be reduced to a minimum in the routine phase, and to ensure that there is no risk associated with cross-contamination of active ingredients.

The objective of Validation of the Cleaning Procedure (SOP No._______________) being used for the cleaning of Machine Name (Machine No. ________________) is to prove that the product contact parts of the Machine Name (Machine No. ________________) have been cleaned and that the contamination level (Chemical and Microbial Contaminants) has been reduced below to an acceptable level.

To achieve these acceptable levels, cleaning procedure (SOP No._______________) need to be established and validated; sampling and analysis will be carried out for this purpose to assure that the cleaning of Machine complies with specified limits.
Cleaning Validation will verify the effectiveness of cleaning procedure.

3.0 Scope:

i. This document on cleaning validation is intended to address special consideration and issues pertaining to validation of cleaning procedure (SOP No._______________) of Machine Name (Machine No. ________________) used for Tablets Compression of Pharmaceutical products.
ii. This document is also intended to establish inspection consistency and uniformity with respect to equipment cleaning procedures.
iii. This document is intended to cover validation of equipment cleaning for the removal of contaminants associated to the previous product, residues of cleaning agents as well as the control of potential microbial contaminants.

4.0 Responsibility:

i. QA/ QC Manager
ii. Validation Team Leader
iii. Validation Officer
iv. Representative of Production Department
v. Analyst
vi. Microbiologist

5.0 Validation Program:

Equipment cleaning validation may be performed concurrently with actual production steps during process development and bulk manufacturing. Validation programs should be continued through full-scale commercial production

The concept “Test-Until-Clean” will be applied. This concept involves cleaning, sampling and testing with repetition of this sequence until an acceptable residue limit is attained.

A validation program generally encompasses at least three consecutive successful replicate to establish that the procedure is reproducibly effective.

If the equipment of the similar size, design and construction is cleaned by the same procedure, studies need not be conducted on each unit as long as a total of three successful replicates are done on a similar piece of equipment; this concept is known as equipment grouping.

6.0 Change Control:

Any of the following proposed changes are evaluated fully for their impact on the validated state of the procedure. changes may be,
i. Changing in Machine
ii. Change in cleaning agents used (if applicable)
iii. Change in cleaning procedures
If any of the above-cited changes are required it should be performed in accordance with the change control procedure (SOP No. _________________).
After the approval of any change according to the procedure, it is required to revalidate the Cleaning Procedure.

7.0 Acceptance Criteria:

                  S. #
Testing Parameter
Acceptance Criteria
Physical determination
The visual examination of the equipment verifying that visible residues or particulate matters.
Chemical Determination
a) NMT 0.1 % of the normal therapeutic dose of any product to appear in the maximum daily dose of the subsequent product.
b)  NMT 10 ppm of any product to appear in the next product.
c)  For certain allergic ingredients, penicillines cephalosporin of steroids and cytotoxic, the limit should be below the limit of detection.
Microbial Contamination
Total aerobic Counts
a) Bacterial Counts =  NMT 20 CFU
b) Molds = NMT 02 CFU

8.0 Sampling Procedure:

Direct Surface Sampling (Swab Method):

a) Area difficult to clean and which are reasonably clean can be evaluated by direct surface sampling method (Swab Method), leading to establishing a level of contamination or residue per given area i.e. 60 – 100 in2. The residue that is dried out or is insoluble can be sampled by Swab Method.
b) The suitability of the method to be used for sampling and of sampling medium should be determined. The ability to recover the sample accurately may be affected by the choice of the sampling method. It is important to assure the sampling medium and solvent (used for extraction from the medium) are satisfactory and can be readily used.
c) For determination of the Microbiological Contamination on surfaces is to use sterile cotton swabs moistened with sterile peptone water, WFI, or Phosphate Buffer. Using sterile forceps and aseptic technique, an area of predetermined size, e.g. 60 - 100 in2, is wiped with a sterile swab. The swab is then aseptically transferred to a sterile tube containing a suitable diluent. The tube is then agitated to suspend any viable microorganisms and aliquots are placed in a semisolid medium to obtain quantitative results.

9.0 Cleaning Procedure: SOP No. ________________

i. Switch Off the Machine
ii. Write down complete cleaning procedure stepwise
iii. After cleaning paste Cleaning Status Label and enter in Logbook

10.0 Testing Procedure :

i. Physical Testing:

Along with taking samples, it is important to perform a visual inspection as well to ensure the process acceptability

ii. Chemical Testing:

Write down the analytical procedure for the determination of traces at least three Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients.

iii. Microbiological Testing:

Swab Test

· Cotton Swabs prepared on S.S sticks are sterilized.
· Phosphate buffer pH 7.2 prepared and dispensed 5 ml in each screw-capped test tubes is sterilized.
· Material is transferred into the sterile area for swab test after disinfection.
· Remove the sterilized swab, soak in phosphate buffer and touch to the surface to be checked
· 2 ½ x 2 ½ inch2 area is touched with each soaked swab.
· Place back the swab into the tube containing phosphate buffer and label the tube with the testing part and date.
· Transfer the tested swab to the micro lab. for the microbiological test.
· Pour plate method is used to check the contaminants.
· Plates are incubated for 48 hours, the results are declared as the number of CFU per part or surface.

11.0 Overall Validation Procedure:

i. Intimate the Production Department for the Cleaning Validation of Machine Name (Machine No. ________________) before starting the activity through Cleaning Validation Schedule.
ii. After Cleaning of the Machine Name (Machine No. ________________) according to procedure (SOP No. ____________) Production Department inform the Validation Section for conducting the Validation activities.
iii. Validation Officer takes the Swab Sample for Chemical Determination, whereas Microbiologist takes the Swab Sample for Microbiological Determination.
iv. Send the Samples to Quality Control along with Technical Information Sheet for analysis.
v. QCD analyzes the sample according to the procedure and provides the results to Validation Section.
vi. Repeat the steps ii, iii and iv after the change of consecutive three different products.
vii. Validation Section analyzes all the results and compiles the report.
viii. If the results comply with the specified limits than the Machine Name (Machine No.________________) is considered as cleaned and the Cleaning Procedure (SOP No._____________) is considered as Validated.
ix. If the results do not comply with the specified limits, then repeat the overall Validation actives for further two consecutive changes of different products i.e. to provide the validation data of three consecutive API’s
x. If the validation results do not comply with the specification, improve the cleaning procedure and continue it until all the results comply with the specified limits.

12.0 Inspection Criteria: (For three consecutive products)

12.1    Previous Product

Batch No.

While taking samples from Machine Name (Machine No. ________________), note down the following points.
 Description of machine/equipment/area:                                     
Major Product contact components:                                                              
Product Contact Area:                                                                      
Previous Batch completed on:                                                            
Equipment cleaned on:                                                                      
Detergent / Solvent used:                                                                           
Composition of the detergent used:                                                              
Cleaning Tools:                                                                                
Ancillary Utilities:                                                                                  
Cleaning Cycles:                                                                                   
Cleaned by:                                                                                         
Supervised by:                                                                                     
Sampled by (Chemical)                                                                                    
Sampled by (Microbiological)                                                                   
After cleaning the Equipment used on:                                                 
Subsequent Product:                                                                                  
Batch No.                                                                                                 
Name of API:                                                                                           
Batch Size of the subsequent product:                                                 
Maximum daily dose of the subsequent Product:                                             

12.2    Previous Product

Batch No.

While taking samples from Machine Name (Machine No. ________________), note down the following points.
Description of machine/equipment/area:                                                     
Major Product contact components:                                                              
Product Contact Area:                                                                      
Previous Batch completed on:                                                            
Equipment cleaned on:                                                                      
Detergent / Solvent used:                                                                           
Composition of the detergent used:                                                              
Cleaning Tools:                                                                                
Ancillary Utilities:                                                                                   
Cleaning Cycles:                                                                                   
Cleaned by:                                                                                         
Supervised by:                                                                                     
Sampled by (Chemical)                                                                                    
Sampled by (Microbiological)                                                                   
After cleaning the Equipment used on:                                                 
Subsequent Product:                                                                                  
Batch No.                                                                                                 
Name of API:                                                                                           
Batch Size of the subsequent product:                                                 
Maximum daily dose of the subsequent Product:                                             

12.3    Previous Product

Batch No.

While taking samples from Machine Name (Machine No. ________________), note down the following points.
Description of machine/equipment/area:                                                                    
Major Product contact components:                                                                        
Product Contact Area:                                                                                     
Previous Batch completed on:                                                                           
Equipment cleaned on:                                                                                  
Detergent / Solvent used:                                                                                     
Composition of the detergent used:                                                                       
Cleaning Tools:                                                                                         
Ancillary Utilities:                                                                                  
Cleaning Cycles:                                                                                   
Cleaned by:                                                                                         
Supervised by:                                                                                     
Sampled by (Chemical)                                                                                    
Sampled by (Microbiological)                                                                   
After cleaning the Equipment used on:                                                             
Subsequent Product:                                                                                 
Batch No.                                                                                                 
Name of API:                                                                                                     
Batch Size of the subsequent product:                                                                 
Maximum daily dose of the subsequent Product:                                                           

13.0 Facilities/Responsible Personnel & Documentation:

13.1 Facilities:

The Validation of Cleaning procedure being used for the cleaning of Machine Name (Machine No. ________________) was performed in ____________ Section of _________ Production at Company Name and Address.

13.2 Identification of Responsible Personnel:


Job Title


13.3 Identification of Documentation:

Document Title
SOP/QF Number
Validation Master Plan

Cleaning Validation (SOP)

Cleaning Validation Report

Machine Operating/ Cleaning Procedure (SOP)

Analytical Result Sheet

13.4 Other Information: (if any)

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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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2 comments: Post Yours! Read Comment Policy ▼

  1. helo ankur please tell me for a equipment cosecutive three batches of same product is necessary or not

    1. yes you have to take three baches for validation.


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