SOP for Slit to Agar Air Sampler : Pharmaguideline

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SOP for Slit to Agar Air Sampler

Standard operating procedure for slit to agar air sampler used in air sampling of classified area.


To clearly define the operation of the instrument for better and error-free use of the same.


This instrument is used for environmental monitoring for the viable count.


3.1 Doing: Technical Assistant (Microbiologist) / Executive
3.2 Checking: Executive /Manager


Head of the department.


5.1 Recharge the internal battery of the instrument as follows.
5.1.1 Plug the 3 prong cord end on the recharger into a 230 V AC outlet.
5.1.2 Turn the brown rocker switch on the power cord to OFF position. This can be verified by looking the 3 indicator lights on the front side of the recharger model 150-S. None of the 3 lights should be illuminated.
5.1.3 Plug the black/red lead into the “recharge” part on the front panel of the instrument (SMA-P-100). Make sure the SMA units power switch is OFF.
5.1.4 Turn the brown rocker switch on the power cord to “ON”. The yellow light on the recharger should be illuminated approximately 45 minutes later, the green light on the recharger face will illuminate and yellow light will go out indicates the battery has been charged to its capacity and the recharger began has its maintenance. This mode, leaving the SMA unit connected to the recharger is recommended while it is not in use.
5.1.5 To remove the unit from the recharger turn the brown rocker switch to OFF position. Disconnect recharger from SMA unit.
5.1.6 Recharge the battery when needed following five step.
5.2 To start the instrument press “Safety” switch provided on the left-hand side of the bottom of the instrument. (SMA-P-100).
5.3 Switch on the instrument from the panel board using on/off red color switch.
5.4 Screen will illuminate fluorescent yellow color.
5.5 Select RST: PST (I) indicate on the screen for volume setting of the air in the liter.
5.6 With the help of (>) key selects on the digit of data to be changed.
5.7 With the help of (+) or (-) key, set the required volume and press “ENT” switch. This means that selected volume of data is fixed in instrument SMA-P-100.
5.8 Select and set PST (2) on the screen as 00000.
5.9 Then go to “Calib” mode with the help of “SAFETY” switch (Red) located at the bottom part of the instrument (SMA-P-100).
5.10 Take the stainless steel lid of sampling head and media plate lid and put into stainless steel perforated box and sterilize them in DHS for 2hours at 180°C temperature.
5.11 After completion of DHS cycle. Carry the stainless steel perforated box to area/location where sampling is to be done.
5.12 Rub your hand with 70% Isopropyl alcohol air dry it use sterilize gloves and put sterile
100mm X 15 mm Petri plates consisting 25 ml of soybean-casein digest agar and cover the Petri plates with sterile stainless steel media plate lid.

5.13 Then press Black (Reset) button on panel board to start the cycle it will indicate green light on panel board at “RUN” switch.
5.14 The instrument will start sucking the atmospheric air green display will show the no. of liters of air sucked like a digital clock.
5.15 After completion of the cycle the green light will turn off and fan will stop running. Remove the SMA sampling head and replace the plastic lid on media plate. Switch off the instrument.
5.16 Remove entire plate and label it.
5.17 Prior to beginning a subsequent sample decontaminate the SMA sampling head and media plate lid with 70% sterile IPA or use new sterilized sampling head and media plate lid.
5.18 To restart the unit and begin another sample for the same volume depress the black reset button turns the unit off and then on.
5.19 Perform this test for the viable count from all the location points as per schedule prepared as per SOP.
5.20 Put all the used Petri plates after covering with Petri plate covers properly labeled along with sampling head and media plate lid into a stainless steel box and transfer to microbiological laboratory.
5.21 Put the Petri plate for incubation at 30°C to 35°C for 72 hours.


DHS = Dry Heat Sterilization
ml = Millilitre
SOP No = Standard Operating Procedure Number
°C = Degree centigrade
% = Percentage
IPA = Isopropyl alcohol
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