SOP for Inspection and Numbering of Sieves/Screens : Pharmaguideline

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SOP for Inspection and Numbering of Sieves/Screens

Standard operating procedure for sieve and screen integrity.

1. Purpose:

To lay down the procedure for Inspection and Numbering of Sieves/Screens.

2. Scope:

This procedure is applicable to:
2.1. Sifter sieves checking
2.2. Mill screens checking
2.3. Numbering of sieves/screens

3. References & Attachments:

3.1. References: None
3.2. Attachments:
3.2.1. Attachment - 1 Sieves/screens checking report

4. Responsibility:

4.1. Production:

4.1.1. To check the sieves as per defined procedure.
4.1.2. To check for proper numbering of the sieves/screens.
4.1.3. To maintain records.

4.2. Quality Assurance:

4.2.1. To ensure the sieves are checked as per defined procedure.
4.2.2. To ensure proper numbering of the sieves/screens.
4.2.3. To ensure proper maintenance of records.

5. Distribution:

5.1. Manager Quality (Master Copy)
5.2. Manager Production
5.3. Production Shop Floor (Display Copy)

6. Definitions of terms:


7. Procedure:

7.1. Sifter sieve checking:

7.1.1. On receipt of the sifter, sieve clean it as per SOP.
7.1.2. Compare the size of the sieve ordered with the number printed on the sieve ring and diameter of the sieve.
7.1.3. The sieve is checked for its integrity visually. Reject the sieve if rupture or damage is observed.
7.1.4. The sieve is checked for its size by checking the number of holes in one linear inch at 4 different locations by placing a white paper with 1-inch square draw on it and counting on both vertical and horizontal sides of the square.
7.1.5. Inspect the sieve and fill the sieve checking report.
7.1.6. If the number of holes/linear inch corresponds to the sieve size printed on the ring of the sieve then accept the sieve.
7.1.7. In case there is a difference between the number of holes and the size on the sieve ring then the sieve is rejected and returned back.
7.1.8. A record of the same is made in the register giving the sieve size, sieve no., date of receipt, and date of checking with signature of concerned officer.
7.1.9. The accepted sieve is numbered in the department. The sieve is numbered on the ring by writing the mesh size and number of sieves using engraver.
7.1.10. If any sieve is damaged make a note in the remarks column of the register and send for destruction.

7.2. Screen checking:

7.2.1. This is applicable to screens for different kinds of mills.
7.2.2. On receipt of screen in the department, clean it as per SOP.
7.2.3. Check the screen for its integrity visually. Reject the sieve if rupture or damage is observed.
7.2.4. If the size corresponds to the one mentioned on the screen then accept it and make the entry in register giving the screen size, screen number, date of receipt, date of checking with the signature of the concerned officer.
7.2.5. Number the accepted sieve in the department by putting the size and number of the screen.
7.2.6. In case there is difference in size, reject the screen and return it.
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