SOP for Disposal of Expired Chemicals, Reagents, Solvents and Micro-biological Medium : Pharmaguideline

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SOP for Disposal of Expired Chemicals, Reagents, Solvents and Micro-biological Medium

Standard operating procedure to Dispose the Chemicals and Media in pharmaceuticals.


To clearly lay down a procedure for the disposal of chemicals, reagents, solvents and Microbiological Medium.


This procedure is applicable to all chemicals, reagents, solvents and Microbiological medium which are expired and lying in chemical and solvent storage room in quality control laboratory.


3.1 Doing: Technical Assistant / Executive
3.2 Checking: Executive/Assistant manager/ Safety officer


Head of the department


5.1 At the end of the month, prepare a list of materials which are to be expired in the same month.
5.2 Dispose off the materials as per the category mentioned in Annexure – I.
5.3 Dispose off the materials in presence of supervisor and safety officer only.
5.4 Use hand gloves, safety goggles, mask and other required protective means.
5.5 Maintain the duly signed and verified record.


ETP = Effluent treatment plant
Also see: Waste Water Treatment

Annexure – I
Procedure for  Disposal
Liquid  Chemicals

Solid Chemicals
To be drained carefully with continuous flow of water into sink.
Each solid chemicals are to be collected in polybag separately & tie it’s mouth. Hand over all such bags to ETP for further disposal.
Cyanide and Cyanide contamination waste and Other Toxic/Poisonous chemicals
All such type of waste generate at Q.C. Lab to be treated ensure it free from cyanide.
Hazardous and chemicals (As per SOP)
All such type of waste to be packed in bag and then it is to be handed over to ETP for further action
Micro Biological Nutrient Media
All such media powder to be collected to gather in a polybag from its original container. Tie the mouth of polybag and hand over to ETP for further disposal.
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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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  1. How to discard reagents used for biochemistry, CBC analysers etc in a medical laboratory


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