To ensure compliance with the approved raw material at regular interval of storage.2.0 SCOPE
This procedure is applicable for approved active and inactive raw material which are stored in the raw material store.3.0 RESPONSIBILITY
3.1 Doing: Technical Assistant3.2 Checking: Executive /Manager
Head of the Department5.0 PROCEDURE
5.1 On receipt of raw material, enter the retesting date in MRR and in the computer system on basis of the list prepared and updated as per Annexure I and II for active and inactive raw material respectively.5.2 Retest due date shall not be more than the expiry date of the raw material. If the expiry date is less then assign the retest date of 1 year or half the period as stated in Annexure I & II whichever is less for that particular material.
5.3 Receive the information from the store one month in advance for the material due for retesting.
5.4 Sample the material for retesting as per schedule as per the list received from the raw material store and verify against their records.
5.5 Affix "UNDER RETEST" label on each container and cross out ‘Approved ’ label with a marker on all the containers.
5.6 Change the status of material in the computer from Approved to under test if materials are not sampled & tested before the due date of retest.
5.7 The color of “UNDER RETEST” label is blue and enter the following details in the label.
- Name of Material :
- A.R. No.:
- Sampled By: Date :
5.9 Carry out the following test for each raw material as applicable.
- Description
- L.O.D/Water content
- Chromatographic purity/Related substances
- Assay
- Microbial limit test
- pH / Acidity / Alkalinity test
- Bacterial Endotoxin test
5.11 Give the new resting date as per the list of Annexure I & II considering the previous retesting due date as an initial date.
5.12 If the material is rejected affix “REJECTED” label on each container.
5.13 Change the status of the Material in the computer from under test to Approved / Rejected if the status is changed to under test as per point 5.6.
5.14 Prepare retest report, check and get it signed by quality control incharge.
5.15 Keep the record of retesting in a separate file.
Related: SOP for Retesting of Raw Materials
6.1 L.O.D = Loss on drying6.2 MRR = Material receipt report
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