To lay down the procedure for operation of ‘Bliss’, the online inspection system.2.0 SCOPE
This SOP shall be applicable to ‘Bliss’ Machine used for online inspection of checking missing tablets, wrong shape tablets cracked/ broken tablets and color difference in tablets during packing in Packing Area in Production Department.3.0 RESPONSIBILITY
3.1 Execution: Operator3.2 Checking: Production Pharmacist & Above
HOD-Production / Assigned Designee5.0 PROCEDURE
5.1.1 Production person shall ensure the cleanliness of the machine, its part & area and ‘CLEANED’ label on it, before starting the operation production person get line clearance from Q.A. person and affix the status label with Product Name, batch details to Equipment and Area as per BMR.5.1.2 Switch on the ‘Mains On’. Confirm ‘MCB’ in ‘ON’ state. Switch on console unit by pressing ‘Red Color Switch’ on the right side of console unit.
5.1.3 ‘Bliss’ will start functioning. The login screen will appear. Enter the appropriate username and password. The system will enter in ‘Learn / Teach Mode’.
5.1.4 As machine will start running, you will see the blister pack image on the screen. You can see “Please set image and press ok button” message on the screen bottom.
5.1.5 Adjust blister pack in yellow region area (ROI) (e.g. Region of Interest) on screen. Once the desired image is achieved with all good tablets, click on ‘OK’ button.
5.1.6 On the left-hand side you can see the ‘Setting’ tab. set the following parameters appropriately:
- Select Tablet type: According to the color of tablet select the choice given.
- Dark/Bright: Select the Contrast for Blister.
- Spot: Keep on for checking the black spot on the tablet.
- Fill Hole: Keep on if Characters are printed on the tablet.
- Total Blisters: Enter the total no. of blisters as per seen in the image.
- Tablets per Blisters: Enter the no. of tablets per blister pack.
- Ejection count: Enter the numbers of the blister between camera and ejection station on PLC.
5.2.1 You can select the inspection criteria with the help of this button.5.2.2 Broken, Shape Match, Colour Match: Default Value set for this criteria is true.
5.2.3 Click to cancel these criteria. The system will exclude selected criteria from the inspection.
5.2.4 To Save Product, Click on ‘Save Product’, the keyboard will appear.
5.2.5 Enter the name of the product to be saved with help of keyboard.
5.2.6 To load product from previously saved products click on ‘Load Product’.
5.2.7 Select the desired product amongst the list.
5.3.1 Click on Start button after matching the criteria.5.3.2 Start running the machine. The inspection will start accordingly.
5.3.3 Total, Good, Bad Indicators can be seen on screen to indicate the status of a total number of images.
5.3.4 Shape, Area and color Tolerance values can be changed by clicking on “Tolerance” button.
5.3.5 After completion of the operation, put “OFF” the Mains.
5.3.6 Affix the “To be cleaned” status label and fill the “Equipment Log Book” (Annexure-I)
Sufficient trial run should be taken and confirm the rejection mechanism with the help of test pieces before starting actual Operation.
Written Line Clearance should be obtained from Q.A. person before commencing operation and also prior to change over to another Batch of the same product or to a new product.
6.1 SOP: Standard Operating Procedure6.2 BMR: Batch Manufacturing Record
6.3 Q.A.: Quality Assurance
6.4 HOD: Head of The Department
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