SOP for Cleaning and Storage of Flexible Pipes : Pharmaguideline

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SOP for Cleaning and Storage of Flexible Pipes

Standard operating procedure to clean and store the Flexible Pipes used for transfer of water for washing.


To lay down the procedure for cleaning and storage of flexible pipes.


This SOP is applicable for the flexible pipes used for transfer of water for washing.


3.1 Execution: Operator
3.2 Checking: Production Pharmacist & Above


HOD-Production / Assigned Designee


5.1 After use, transfer the pipes to the general wash area.
5.1.1 Connect the pipe to potable water supply and pass potable water through it for 1 minute. Also, wash the pipe with potable water from outside.
5.1.2 Connect the pipe to supply point of hot potable water and pass hot potable water through it for 1 minute.
5.1.3 Connect the pipe to supply point of purified water and rinse the pipe with purified water.
5.1.4 Transfer the pipe to washed equipment store.
5.1.5 Hang the pipes on the brackets in slanting position.
5.1.6 Let the water drip out and then close both the ends of pipes with poly bag.
5.1.7 Affix “Cleaned” label.
5.1.8 Flush hot potable water for 2 min. and rinse with purified water before use.

5.2 Hose pipes

5.2.1 After use remove the pipes from hoses.
5.2.2 Remove the powder from the pipes and wipe out outer surface of pipes with a dry lint-free cloth.
5.2.3 Close both ends of pipes with poly bags and affix “To be Cleaned” label and transfer to general wash area/ washroom.
5.2.4 Where ever applicable, clean the pipes in the respective area/ general wash area/ washroom.
5.2.5 Wash inner and outer surface of each pipe with potable water for 6 minutes and then with hot potable water for 4 minutes.

5.2.6 Finally rinse each pipe with purified water for 2 minutes.
5.2.7 Wipeout outer surface of pipes with dry lint-free cloth.
5.2.8 Transfer the pipes to washed equipment store.
5.2.9 Hang the pipes on the brackets in slanting position.
5.2.10 Let the water drips out and then closes both the ends of pipes with poly bag.
5.2.11 Affix “Cleaned” label.


6.1 SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
6.2 Q.A.: Quality Assurance
6.3 HOD: Head of The Department
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