Handling, Cleaning & Storage of Cuvettes of Spectrophotometer : Pharmaguideline

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Handling, Cleaning & Storage of Cuvettes of Spectrophotometer

Learn how to handle and clean the cuvettes of Spectrophotometer.

Handling of cuvettes

1. Handle the cuvettes carefully to avoid breakage.
2. Avoid contact with clear sides of cuvettes with any hard surface (to avoid scratches).
3. While filling the cuvettes, avoid spillage of the solution on the outer side of the cuvettes.
4. Hold the cuvettes in such a manner that, opaque sides are held between two fingers & transparent sides are not being touched.
5. Before keeping the cuvettes inside the holders, always blot them (from all the sides) with tissue paper.
6. While inserting the cuvettes inside the holder, avoid applying excessive force.
7. Ensure that transparent sides of the cuvettes are in the optical path.

Cuvette cleaning

1. If solution measured is aqueous, wash the cuvettes with the blank solution under use, followed by several washings with water. Dry the cuvettes by blotting them on tissue paper.
2. If solution measured is non-aqueous, clean the cuvettes with the blank solution under use, followed by several washings with solvent, which is miscible with the blank.
3. Give final washings with water & blot the cuvettes on tissue paper to dry them.
4. After blotting if some traces of water are remaining inside, then allow it to air dry.
Storage of cuvettes
1. Store the dry cuvettes in their casing or box (equipped with a cushion or soft sponge).
2. Qualification of cuvettes (To be done initially after receipt of new cuvettes)
3. Measure the path length (distance between two clear sides of the cuvette when measured from inside) by means of calibrated vernier caliper.
Related: Calibration of UV / Visible Spectrophotometer

Acceptance criteria

± 0.05 mm of the theoretical value.
1. Take transmittance of water at 200 nm using one of the cuvettes (amongst the pair of two) on the spectrophotometer using air blank.
2. Take transmittance of water at 200 nm using second cuvette (amongst the pair of two) on the spectrophotometer using air blank.

Acceptance criteria

Transmittance obtained by using two cuvettes should be the same (by neglecting figures after decimal point).


British Pharmacopoeia

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