Operation and Cleaning of Tray Dryer : Pharmaguideline

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Operation and Cleaning of Tray Dryer

Learn how to operate and clean the Tray Dryer used for drying in Pharmaceuticals.


1. Before operating the tray dryer, ensure that it is clean.
2. Ensure that main switch is OFF.
3. Load the material/ accessories to be dried in the tray. Close the door of the tray dryer.
4. Switch on the mains. Set the desired temperature as per BMR.
5. Start the blower and then start the heater.


1. Switch OFF the electrical mains of tray dryer.
2. Remove UNDER USE label and put TO BE CLEANED label.
3. Remove the dust from the body with a dry duster.
4. Open the door. Remove all the trays and take it in washing area.
5. Clean each tray by using potable water followed by 0.1% teepol solution using nylon scrubber.
6. Clean each tray with 5 lit of potable water followed by 3 lit with purified water.
7. Remove water with help of compressed air, dry all the trays with a clean dry lint-free cloth.

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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of pharmaguideline.com, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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