Determination of Hydroxyl Value : Pharmaguideline
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  • Mar 26, 2011

    Determination of Hydroxyl Value

    Learn how to determine the Hydroxyl Value of any Pharmaceutical substance.
    The hydroxyl value is the number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide required to neutralize the acid combined by acylation in 1 g of the substance.
    Use method A unless otherwise specified.

    Method A

    Unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph, weigh accurately the quantity of the substance under examination, stated in the table (see below), in a 150-ml acetylation flask fitted with a condenser and add the quantity of pyridine acetic anhydride reagent stated in the table. Boil for 1 hour on a water-bath, adjusting the level of the water to maintain it 2 to 3 cm above the level of the liquid in the flask all through.

    Cool, add 5 ml of water through the top of the condenser; if this causes cloudiness, add sufficient pyridine to produce a clear liquid. Shake, replace in the water-bath for 10 minutes, remove and cool. Rinse the condenser and the walls of the flask with 5 ml of ethanol (95 percent), previously neutralized to dilute phenolphthalein solution. Titrate with 0.5 M ethanolic potassium hydroxide using dilute phenolphthalein solution as indicator. Perform a blank determination.

    Calculate the hydroxyl value from the expression
    Hydroxyl value = Acid Value + 28.05 v/w
    where, v = difference, in ml, between the titrations;
    w = weight, in g, of the substance.

    Method B

    Weigh accurately the specified quantity of the substance under examination into a flask fitted with a reflux condenser, add 12 g of stearic anhydride and 10 ml of xylene and heat under reflux for 30 minutes. Cool, add a mixture of 40 ml of pyridine and 4 ml of water, heat under reflux for a further 30 minutes and titrate the hot solution with 1M potassium hydroxide using dilute phenolphthalein solution as indicator. Perform a blank determination.
    Calculate the hydroxyl value from the expression
    Hydroxyl value = 56.11 v/w
    where, v = difference, in ml, between the titrations;
    w = weight, in g, of the substance.

    1 comment: Post Yours! Read Comment Policy ▼

    1. As there is restrictions on Aceetic Anhydride can you suggest any other methods, thank you


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