SOP for Washing of HPLC Columns : Pharmaguideline

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SOP for Washing of HPLC Columns

Standard operating procedure to wash the columns of High Performance liquid Chromatography used in analysis of Pharmaceutical products.


To describe the procedure for washing of HPLC column.


This SOP is applicable for washing of HPLC column.


Officer/ Executive - Quality Control


Manager - Quality Control.


5.1 For C18, C8, C6, Phenyl, CN, Amine column:
5.1.1 Change the mobile phase to filtered distilled water.
5.1.2 Allow the water to flow through the column at the rate of 1ml / min. For 30 minutes. Check that the pressure does not exceed 400 BAR.
5.1.3 Change the mobile phase from water to HPLC grade 80% Acetonitrile.
5.1.4 Set the instrument to flow rate 1 ml/ minute and wash the column for 30 minutes.
5.1.5 Ensure that the column contains 80% Acetonitrile.
5.1.6 Disconnect the column from the HPLC unit and store in an appropriate place.
5.2 For protein pack column:
5.2.1 Change the mobile phase to 1:10 solution of Isopropyl Alcohol and HPLC water.
5.2.2 Allow mobile phase to flow through the column at the rate of 1 ml/ min. for 30 minutes. Check that pressure does not exceed 400 bars.
5.2.3 Ensure that the column contains mobile phase.
5.2.4 Disconnect the column from the HPLC unit and store in an appropriate place.
5.3 For L17 column:
5.3.1 Change the mobile phase to a mixture of 0.01 N H2SO4: ACN (85: 15).
5.3.2 Allow the mixture to flow through the column at the rate of 0.6 ml/min for 2 hours. Flow rate should not exceed 0.6 ml/min.
5.3.3 Change the mobile phase from (H2SO4, ACN) to water.
5.3.4 Set the instrument to flow rate 0.6 ml/ min. and wash the column for 2 hours.
5.3.5 Ensure that the column contains water.
5.3.6 Disconnect the column from the HPLC unit and store in an appropriate place.


6.1 SOP - Standard Operating Procedure
6.2 ACN - Acetonitrile
6.3 HPLC - High Performance Liquid Chromatography
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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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