SOP for Glassware Washing : Pharmaguideline

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SOP for Glassware Washing

Standard operating procedure to clean the glassware with soap solution including cleaning of Pipettes and Burettes.


To describe the procedure for the procedure for glassware washing.


This SOP is applicable to the procedure for glassware washing.


Officer/ Executive - Quality Control


Manager – Quality Control


5.1 Preparation of cleaning solutions

For the cleaning of glassware, those are used for chemical analysis special precautions will take place to avoid any chemical residue in glassware, which may later interfere with the results of chemical analysis. Following cleaning solutions were used for cleaning of glassware:
A] 0.5% Labolene
B] 2% Liquid soap solution

5.2 0.5% Labolene

5.2.1 Measure 5 ml Labolene and add it to container containing 995 ml of purified water and stir it well. For better results use hot water.
5.2.2 Use it for cleaning of laboratory glassware such as bottles, flasks, beakers, and tubing.
5.2.3 Record the solution preparation details in glassware cleaning solution preparation record.

5.3 2% Liquid soap solution

5.3.1 Measure 20 ml soap solution and add it to container containing 980 ml of purified water and stir it well.
5.3.2 Use it when 0.5% Labolene is not available then it can be used for glassware cleaning.
5.3.3 Record the solution preparation details in glassware cleaning solution preparation record.

5.4 General Cleaning

5.4.1 Cleaning of glassware, which has contained hazardous materials, must be solely undertaken by experienced personnel.
5.4.2 Most new glassware is slightly alkaline in reaction. For precision chemical tests, new glassware should be soaked several hours in acid water (1% solution hydrochloric acid or nitric acid) before washing.
5.4.3 Wash glassware as quickly as possible after use if it is not possible then the articles should be allowed to soak in water.
5.4.4 For cleaning of glassware such as bottles, flasks, beakers, test tubes, etc use 0.5% Labolene. For better results use hot water.
5.4.5 For general cleaning 2% liquid soap solution may also be used when Labolene are not available.
5.4.6 During the washing all parts of the article should be thoroughly scrubbed with a brush selected for the shape and size of the glassware. Brushes should always be in good condition to avoid any abrasion of the glassware.
5.4.7 Special types of precipitate material may require removal with nitric acid, aqua regia or fuming sulphuric acid. These are very corrosive substances and should be used only when required.
5.4.8 Before cleaning of glassware remove the labeling of marker pen with the help of IPA or acetone. For plastic ware do not use acetone for removing marker pen labeling.
5.4.9 It is imperative that all soap detergents and other cleaning fluids be removed from glassware before use. This is especially important with detergents, slight traces of which will interfere with serological and culture reactions. After cleaning, thoroughly rinse with tap water ensuring that containers are partly filled with water, shaken and emptied several times. Finally rinse with purified water.
5.4.10 After cleaning dry the glassware in Hot air oven at 60 °C temperature ± 5 °C.
5.4.11 Always protect clean glassware from dust by use of temporary closures or by placing in a dust free cabinet.

5.5 Cleaning of specific types of glassware

5.5.1 Pipettes Place pipettes tips down, in a cylinder or tall jar containing disinfectant solution immediately after use. Do not drop them into the cylinder, since this may break or chip the tips and render the pipettes useless for accurate measurements. A pad of cotton or glass wool at the bottom of the cylinder will help to prevent breaking of the tips. At a convenient time, the pipettes may then be drained and placed in a cylinder or jar of dissolved detergent or, if exceptionally dirty, in a jar of chromic acid cleaning solution. After soaking for several hours, or overnight, drain the pipettes and run tap water over and through them until all traces of dirt are removed. Soak the pipettes in purified water for at least one hour. Remove from the purified water, dry outside with a cloth, shake out the water and dry in hot air oven. After drying, place pipettes in a dust free drawer.

5.5.2 Burettes (with glass stopcock) Remove the stopcock key and wash the burette with detergent and water. Rinse with tap water until all the dirt is removed. Then rinse with purified water and dry. Wash the stopcock key separately. Before the stopcock key is replaced in the burette, lubricate the joint with a small amount of lubricant. Remember that burette stopcock keys are not interchangeable. Always cover burettes when not in use.


6.1 SOP - Standard Operating Procedure
6.2 IPA - Isopropyl Alcohol

Name of glassware cleaning solution:
Date of preparation:
Prepared by:
Use before:
Checked by:
Method of preparation:
Take ______ ml. purified water in clean and dry S.S. container or suitable and add _______ml/gm of cleaning solution and mix well.
Put label on container having details of name of cleaning solution, date of preparation, use before and prepared by.
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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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2 comments: Post Yours! Read Comment Policy ▼

  1. Dear Sir,

    can you share laboratory glassware cleaning validation protocol, if you have any.

  2. why acetone cant use for removing marker pen from plastic ware ?


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