SOP for Analysis on UV- Visible Spectrophotometer : Pharmaguideline

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SOP for Analysis on UV- Visible Spectrophotometer

Standard operating procedure of taking absorbance or transmittance reading on UV- Visible Spectrophotometer


To describe the procedure for analysis on UV-VIS Spectrophotometer,


This procedure shall be applicable for analysis on UV-VIS Spectrophotometer


Officer/ Executive - Quality Control
Dy. Manager - Quality Control


Astt. General Manager - QA/QC


5.1 Ensure that the area is clean.
5.2 Switch on the main power.
5.3 Switch on the instrument.
5.4 Allow stabilizing for 15 min.
5.5 Set the desired wavelength with the knob in increasing order.
5.6 Keep the sensitivity switch at the highest position.
5.7 Put the mode selector at % T position.
5.8 Set the filter wheel as per the wavelength.
5.9 Adjust zero percent transmittance with the help of set zero control.
5.10 Rinse reference cuvette and sample cuvette with blank solution 2 to 3 times.
5.11 Adjust 100% T with the help of % knob.
5.12 Remove the cuvette and drain out the blank solution from it. Rinse it with sample 2-3 times and filled with sample.
5.13 Clean the outer surface of the reference cuvette with tissue paper.
5.14 Place the cuvette into the sample holder and cover the cuvette compartment.
5.15 The reading shown in the data position is the absorbance or % T of the sample.
5.16 Record the results and make the entry in instrument usage log book.
5.17 Remove both the cuvette and wash with purified water or methanol as required.
5.18 Calibrate the instrument by running similar way and make an entry in the calibration record.
5.19 Calibration Frequency: Monthly and after maintenance.
Related: Calibration of UV / Visible Spectrophotometer


6.1 SOP - Standard Operating Procedure
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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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