To lay down the procedure for operating, cleaning and calibration of vernier caliper.2.0 SCOPE
This SOP is applicable for vernier caliper used for measurements.3.0 RESPONSIBILITY
Officer/Executive – Quality Control4.0 ACCOUNTABILITY
Manager - Quality Control5.0 PROCEDURE
5.1 Operating procedure
5.1.1 For vernier caliper press on key with the jaw closed.5.1.2 Ensure zero reading with the jaw closed.
5.1.3 Open the jaw and place the sample in between the jaws and close it.
5.1.4 Note the reading.
5.2 Cleaning procedure
5.2.1 Clean measuring jaws holding disks with a slightly wet cloth and then with a dry cotton cloth.5.2.2 Clean measuring jaws holding disks with a dry cotton cloth whenever required during and after the test.
5.3 Calibration procedure
5.3.1 Calibration of vernier caliper following standard calibrate equipment are as follow5.3.2 Calibration can be done in-house or by an external party.
5.3.3 For vernier caliper press on key with the jaw closed.
5.3.4 Ensure “zero “reading with the jaw closed.
5.3.5 Open the jaw.
5.3.6 Measure the thickness of standard slip gauge (0.05 mm to 1.00 mm) by putting individual gauge between the jaw.
5.3.7 Note the observations.
5.3.8 Measure the length, width and height standard metal gauge block (34.90 mm, 25 mm and 08.90 mm respectively) by putting the standard metal gauge block in between the jaws.
5.3.10 Affix the calibration status label.
5.3.11 If calibration is out of calibration then inform to head of the department for further action.
6.1 SOP - Standard operating procedure6.2 mm - Millimeter
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