Determination of Tapped Density : Pharmaguideline

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Determination of Tapped Density

Learn how to determine the Tapped Density by USP- I and USP- II methods.


This method is used only when no. of taps are specified in the method.
1. Check that all the connections of the instrument are proper.
2. Weigh the sample & fill in a measuring cylinder of Tapped Density Tester.
3. If sample weight is about 100 g or above, use 250 ml measuring cylinder otherwise use 100 ml measuring cylinder.
4. Fix the measuring cylinder into the holder provided for holding the measuring cylinder on the instrument.
5. Power “ON” the instrument.

6. The system will initialize itself and the display will flash and show the startup screen.
7. The system is now ready for Setting of the test Parameter and to run the Test.
8. Using the Digit Scroll key (on front panel) set the mode of operation as USER (In this mode, the instrument will stop after the set value of taps).
9. Press the SET key to set the test parameter. The taps are programmable from 1 to 9999 taps.
10. By using the arrow keys set the tap value.
11. After setting the tap value, press the START key to start the test. The display will now show the elapsed taps.
12. After tapping is complete, check the volume, set the similar number of taps again & run the test once more.
13. Check the volume after second tapping cycle & calculate the difference between the two volumes observed after tapping.
14. If this difference is not less than 2%, continue the tapping for one more cycle & this activity shall be repeated until the difference between succeeding measurements is less than 2%.
15. After the test is complete, calculate the tapped density using final volume observed.
Related: SOP for Operation and Calibration of Bulk Density Apparatus


1. Using the Digit Scroll key, set the mode of operation as USP.
2. Press the Method key to toggle between USP-I (drop of 14 mm ± 2 mm at speed of 300 drops per minute) & USP-II (drop of 3 mm ± 10% at speed of 250 drops per minute) method & select required method.
3. Weigh the sample & fill in a measuring cylinder of Tap Density Tester.
4. If sample weight is about 100 g or above, use 250 ml measuring cylinder otherwise use 100 ml measuring cylinder.
5. Fix the measuring cylinder into the holder provided for holding the measuring cylinder on the instrument.
6. Press start key & feed the weight of the sample & press enter.

7. Fill the value of initial volume & press enter.
8. Press start key to start the taps.
9. Tapping will automatically be stopped after 500 taps.
10. Fill the value of volume observed after tapping.
11. Press start key.
12. Tapping will automatically be stopped after 750 taps.
13. Fill the value of volume observed after tapping & press enter.
14. Difference between two succeeding measurements is displayed.
15. If this difference is not less than 2%, press START to continue.
16. Tapping will automatically be stopped after 1250 taps.
17. Repeat steps 12 to 14 till difference between two succeeding measurements is less than 2%.
18. Switch off the instrument after the test is over.
19. Remove the cylinder, clean it & store in its box.

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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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