SOP for Vehicle Inspection : Pharmaguideline

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SOP for Vehicle Inspection

Standard operating procedure to inspect the vehicles used for transportation by stores department.


To lay down a procedure for vehicle Inspection.


This SOP shall be applicable for inspection of the vehicle by Stores Department.


Stores Assistant/Officer


Head of Department


5.1 Store person shall confirm that the vehicle is received from Approved Transporter.
5.2 The store person shall verify physically that no harmful material is loaded along with plant Materials.
5.3 Inspect the flooring of the vehicle for the absence of any Dirt, Oil, Coloring matter, Spillage of material from other container, Water etc.
5.4 Inspect for any obnoxious smell emitting from the interior portion of the vehicle and also ensure that no unpleasant odor emanate from the goods.
5.5 Inspect the surface of containers of Raw Material and Packing Material for any contamination of Dirt, Oil, Water coloring matter etc. Ensure that the contents are not contaminated.
5.6 Inspect goods for any damage while handling or during transport.
5.7 If anything is found to be abnormal while inspecting goods and vehicle as per the points described above, report the matter before accepting the goods to the HOD of stores who will in turn take proper action i.e. to accept the goods after ascertaining the finding in consultation with HOD QA & QC.


6.1 SOP – Standard operating procedure
6.2 QA – Quality assurance
6.3 QC – Quality control
6.4 HOD – Head of department
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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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  1. Mr. Ankur can you provide a template for Vehicle inspection which is used in Pharma at the time of Raw Mtrl or Packing Mtrl inwards.


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