SOP for Action to be Taken During Spillage/Breakage of Materials : Pharmaguideline

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SOP for Action to be Taken During Spillage/Breakage of Materials

Standard operating procedure to take the action on the spillage and breakage of materials in stores.


To lay down the procedure for action to be taken during spillage/breakage of materials.


This SOP shall be applicable for spillage/breakage of materials in the Stores Department.


Store Officer/Assistant


Head of Department


5.1 For Solid Materials

5.1.1 If any spillage / breakage are occurred, Store person shall segregate or shift other surrounding materials to avoid contamination.
5.1.2 Store person shall intimate to QA person about the incidence for corrective action.
5.1.3 With the help of vacuum cleaner or nylon broom, spilled material shall be collected by taking sufficient safety precautions before cleaning the area (i.e., wear safety goggles, nose mask, hand gloves etc.).
5.1.4 Transfer the contents of affected container or bag to another good and cleaned container or bag.
5.1.5 Weigh and note the quantity of the spilled material and destroyed as per SOP in presence of QA person. After approval from HOD QA/QC and Unit Head, same quantity is to be deducted from the SAP and from respective bin card.
5.1.6 Prepared the incident report with the cause of the accident and appropriate corrective action to avoid recurrence of such incident.

5.2 For Solvent

5.2.1 In case of spillage or leakage of solvent, immediately open the windows and doors (if possible) for proper ventilation.
5.2.2 Store person shall restrict the area for minimum man movement.
5.2.3 Mop the area as per the SOP with all safety precautions like wearing nose mask and safety goggles and discard the spilled solvent in the ETP.
5.3 Transfer the contents of affected container or drum to another good and cleaned container or drum (if possible).
5.4 Weigh and note the quantity of the spilled material and destroyed as per SOP in presence of QA person.
5.5 After approval of HOD QA/QC and Unit Head, the same quantity is to be deducted from the SAP and from respective bin card.
5.6 Note the cause of the accident and take appropriate corrective action to avoid recurrence of such incident.


6.1 SOP – Standard operating procedure
6.2 HOD – Head of the department
6.3 ETP – Effluent treatment plant
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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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3 comments: Post Yours! Read Comment Policy ▼

  1. very simple and descriptive.

  2. it would be great great if you could make them download-able in word or PDF format


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