SOP for Cleaning of Dispensing and Sampling Room : Pharmaguideline

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SOP for Cleaning of Dispensing and Sampling Room

Standard operating procedure to clean the dispensing and sampling room during every product change over and after each sampling.


To lay down a procedure for cleaning of Dispensing & Sampling Room during every product change over and after each sampling.


This SOP shall be applicable for cleaning of Dispensing & Sampling Room during every product change over and after each sampling at Stores Department.


Stores Assistant/Officer


Head of Department


5.1 The dispensing & sampling room is to be cleaned at the time of every product change over & after every sampling.
5.2 Store person shall ensure that the previous dispensed product /sampled material container and dispensing/sampling equipment like the scoop, spatula etc are removed from the dispensing and sampling area.
5.3 Store person shall remove the powder from floor and powder from the outer surface of RLAF pre filter frame, return riser filter and side panel by using a vacuum cleaner.
5.4 Mop the entire surface of pre-filter frames, return riser filter and side panel with a clean dry lint-free cloth with purified water and finally wipe with 70% IPA solution.
5.6 Clean the Stainless Steel Table and Balances as per 5.3 & 5.3.
5.7 Clean the walls, ceiling, doors & fixtures using a vacuum cleaner.
5.8 Dispensing/Sampling Room floor shall be cleaned as per schedule at the beginning and completion of work.
5.9 Store person shall close the polythene bags inside the waste bin and send it to scrap yard and Clean the waste bin with a clean dry lint-free cloth.
5.10 Store person shall insert fresh polythene bag in the waste bin.
5.11 Store person record the cleaning activity in Dispensing Logbook.
5.12 Quality Control person record the cleaning activity in Sampling Logbook.


6.1 SOP – Standard operating procedure
6.2 IPA – Isopropyl alcohol
6.3 SS – Stainless steel
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