To lay down the procedure for Cleaning of Glassware2.0 SCOPE
This is applicable to Microbiology lab.3.0 RESPONSIBILITY
Microbiologist4.0 ACCOUNTABILITY
Head of Department5.0 PROCEDURE
5.1 Precautions
5.1.1 All cleaning operations shall be carried out in washing area.5.1.2 Potable water shall be used for washing of glasswares.
5.1.3 Rinsing shall be done with purified water.
5.1.4 Cleaning agents may be hazardous & must be handled carefully as per the instruction given by the manufacturer.
5.1.5 Protective clothing such as Aprons, Hand gloves, and Eye shields must be worn while handling of glassware and preparing the cleaning agents.
5.2 Procedure for cleaning
5.2.1 After the complete analysis, deactivate the glassware containing cytotoxic drug using deactivation medium as SOP.5.2.2 Flasks, beakers, pipettes, bottles and measuring cylinders are to be cleaned in the following manner.
5.2.3 Microbial contaminated glassware shall be decontaminated as per SOP.
5.2.4 Wash the used glassware with plenty of potable water.
5.2.5 Then rinse the glassware with 2 % detergent solution prepared in purified water.
5.2.6 Rinse the glassware with plenty of potable water till it is free from the detergent.
5.2.7 Again rinse with purified water 3 to 4 times.
5.2.8 Keep the glassware in the oven for drying at 60°C
6.0 Abbreviations
6.1 SOP - Standard Operating Procedure6.2 QCM - Quality Control Microbiology
6.3 % - Percent
6.4 °C - Degree Centigrade
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Hi there! Is 3 or 4 times with purified water enough? Did you perform validation of procedure for glassware manual cleaning? From my experience in order to clean enough it is nessesary rince 7 times! "Worst case" is when glassware is dirty with Chromic Acid Cleaning Solution!