To lay down the procedure for fumigation of Microbiology Laboratory.2.0 SCOPE
This SOP shall be applicable to Quality Control Dept.3.0 RESPONSIBILITY
Microbiologist4.0 ACCOUNTABILITY
Head Quality Control Department.5.0 PROCEDURE
5.1 Apparatus
Fumigation machine5.2 Reagent
5 % Gramicid Solution5.3 Fumigation Procedure
Frequency: Once in a week or if the microbial counts exceed the limits in Microbiology Testing area .5.3.1 Connect the machine electric plug to the main supply.
5.3.2 Keep the machine 2 feet above the ground level.
5.3.3 Open the lid of the tank.
5.3.4 Add 2 liters of 5 % Gramicid solution and close the lid.
5.3.5 Adjust the blower at approximately 45° angle.
5.3.6 Put on the MAIN switch.
5.3.7 Switch on the blower.
5.3.8 Fogger starts emitting fine fog.
5.3.9 Keep the fog generator control minimum, to get fine particles of the gramicid solution.
5.3.10 Keep the fogger on till it forms sufficient fog in the area and then shift to another area.
5.3.11 Air handling unit should be put OFF before starting fumigation.
5.3.12 After fumigation keep all the doors closed.
5.3.13 After completion of fumigation keep the area closed for not less than 6 hrs.
5.3.14 Switch on the AHU 1 hour before starting the work for de-fumigation
5.3.15 Maintain fumigation Record.
Related: SOP for Guidelines for Working in Microbiology Laboratory
5.4 Precautions
5.4.1 Make sure the area to be fumigated cleaned thoroughly.5.4.2 Cover the electronic equipment with a plastic sheet.
5.4.3 AHU should be put OFF 10 minutes before the fumigation starts.
5.4.4 AHU can be put ON 1 hour before starting work.
5.4.5 Use proper safety apparel such as gowns, rubber hand gloves and safety goggles during fumigation of the lab.
6.1 SOP: Standard Operating Procedure6.2 Dept.: Department
6.3 AHU: Air Handling Unit
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