SOP for Operation and Maintenance of Low Tension (LT) Panels : Pharmaguideline

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SOP for Operation and Maintenance of Low Tension (LT) Panels

Standard operating procedure of operation and maintenance of low tension panels.


To lay down the procedure for operation and maintenance of low tension (LT) panels.


This SOP shall be applicable for all low-tension panels.


Operator/ Engineer/ Executive


HOD Engineering


5.1 Put OFF the supply where you want to carry out the work.
5.2 Provide a board “Men at work do not switch on”.
5.3 Remove the fuses if required use fuses puller.
5.4 Ensure you are standing on an insulating rubber mat.
5.5 Use foot ware while doing the work.
5.6 Have proper tools like insulated plier, test lamp, tester, wire stripper, and fuse puller.
5.7 Ensure conductor is dead before handling it.
5.8 Carry out the maintenance.
5.9 Before charging the supply, ensure that no tools are left inside the panel.
5.10 Close the doors of the panel.
5.11 Leave the workplace only after satisfactory trial.
5.12 Frequency for preventive maintenance of the low tension panel is once in a six month.

5.13 Operation for Closing Air Circuit Breaker

5.13.1 Ensure breaker in proper position inside the panel.
5.13.2 Ensure that “TRIP CIRCUIT HEALTHY” indication appears on the panel.
5.13.3 Check incoming voltage between R-Y, Y-B and B-R on the volt meter provided, it should be 415 to 430 volts wherever applicable.
5.13.4 Charge the closing circuit breaker by the to and fro movement of the handle provided on the breaker.
5.13.5 Repeat the step 5.13.4 until the spring indicator on breaker show charged.
5.13.6 Ensure the spring indicator on breaker show spring charged.
5.13.7 Push the green close button to close the circuit of the breaker.
5.13.8 In case of Auto mode breaker will be continuously charged.

5.14 Operation for Opening Air Circuit Breaker

5.15.1 Push the Red open button to open the air circuit.

5.15 Operation for Closing Main Feeder Circuit

5.15.1 Rotate the feeder handle in the clockwise direction from 0 to 1 position.
5.15.2 Ensure red color indicator will be “ON”.

5.16 Operation for Opening Main Feeder Circuit

5.16.1 Rotate the feeder handle in the Anti clockwise direction from 1 to 0 positions.
5.16.2 Ensure red color indicator will be “OFF”.
Related: SOP for Operation of High Tension (H.T.) Panel


6.1 SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
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2 comments: Post Yours! Read Comment Policy ▼

  1. Anonymous07 July

    nice blog about LT panels -

  2. Transfo Tech Engineering is the professional makers of LT/HT Panels


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